You truly are amazhang, 10 🎉

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A|N Finally at the 10th Chapter!! I know that not all of them are one shots but who cares? This is meant to be my fluffiest chapter yet. Also this is Pre-Percabeth (in between TBOL and TLO)!!! ENJOY IT WHILST IT LASTS!


Here I am, lying in my bed. It's 2 in the morning and I haven't slept a wink. I can't stop thinking about Annabeth. I mean, she's always been pretty and stuff, but soon she's gonna get SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL and that's when I'll be in some real trouble!

Here's the question that a camper asked me last summer,  that won't stop playing in my head:

"Do you have a crush on Annabeth?"

The answer? Well, I don't know... Annabeth is everything I could ever want in a girl and we've known each other for a long time so maybe I have a crush on her! I kept thinking until I fell asleep.

The next day..

I woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon. My mom's friend is a farmer and he's a butcher so he gave us a whole pig not to long ago. 

I walked into the kitchen and yawned, "Morning Mom!" She said all the stuff moms say in the morning ("G'Morning Honey!" "Go sit down for breakfast!") and I sat down at my plate. Somehow, my mother made the bacon blue. I swear she's a miracle worker.

Then, she asked me something that made me choke on my blue orange juice, "Honey, do you have a crush on Annabeth?"

I shook my head, while my face turned a nice shade of crimson. My mom gave me the 'really?' Look. "Ok maybe a little bit.." I said. Her eyes widened, "Wait really? You are actually admitting to it now?" I nodded and quickly added, "DON'T TELL ANYONE!!" She nodded, "Of course not! Now, let's get you to school!" I groaned.

AFTER TLO (but they aren't dating yet, the kiss never happened and neither did HoO)


I wonder when I'll have the guts to tell Percy that I've loved him ever since I said, "You drool in your sleep." To him.

I was listening to 'Young Volcanoes' by Fall Out Boy in my cabin when there was a knock on the door. I paused my music, and answered the door. It was fucking Percy Jackson. Shit.

"Hey WiseGirl!" He said, smiling. 

"What's up Seaweed Brain?" I asked, smiling now too. I wondered what he was here for when he said, "Olympus, duh." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously though," I replied with a smile again.

"Ok, this is kind of weird in the middle of the night, but do you wanna come on a walk with me. I looked at the other, sleeping, Athena Kids and said, "Yeah sure."

We walked to the beach and I grabbed his hand impulsively. When I went to pull away, I saw him smile and kept holding his hand.  He finally talked, "Annie can I tell you something?" I nodded and he said, "I-I I love you Wise Girl.." He was about to speak again but I cut him off with a kiss.

After we kissed he whispered in my ear,

"You truly are amazhang."

A|N ANNNDDD THATS A WRAP!! How'd y'all like the 10th chapter?? You hated it? Not surprised. Y'all probably hate me for taking so godsdam long to update, but that's alright. I deserve it. 

That's it for tonight,

As always,


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