One Long Summer Night

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(This takes place after HoO and before ToA)

Percy Jackson woke up in his bed on July 17th with a smile on his face, because he, Percy Jackson, had a great plan.

The plan was to;

1) Go eat breakfast.

2) Ask Annabeth to walk on the beach with him that night

3) [If she says yes] Tell her she should dress up

4) Polish the ring

5) Pick up the food that his mom made

6) Eat Lunch

7) Get dressed in his semi-formal tux

8)Meet Annabeth at the beach

9) Eat picnic dinner mentioned above

10) Walk down the beach with Annabeth

11) Recite speech

12) Ask Annabeth for her hand in marriage 

13) [If she says yes] Marry her

Percy had spent about a month coming up with the plan. Frank, Leo, Jason and Nico teased Percy endlessly for that. 

So now, it was time for step 1, eat breakfast. Just kidding, Percy already did. After that, Percy saw Annabeth walking back to her cabin. Percy ran up to her, out of breath and panted, "H-hey Annabeth, do you wanna come eat dinner with me on the beach tonight??"

"Of course I do, Seaweed Brain!" She exclaimed. Percy grinned. She started to walk away, when Percy called, "Oh- Annabeth WAIT!" Annabeth turned to face Percy. "You should get dressed up!"

She nodded and proceeded to walk away. Percy did that cliché, stupid-looking, goofy, in love grin that only happens in fairytales. 

Meanwhile, Annabeth was pacing in her cabin, Piper laughing hysterically behind her. 

Annabeth suddenly burst, "STOP LAUGHING IT ISN'T FUNNY! I'm on my period, all my strapless bras are dirty and I have NOTHING TO WEAR!!" Piper laughed more and then gasped out, "Y-you f-f-forget that I am a-an Aphrodite k-kid!" She was wheezing at this point.

Piper and Annabeth walked over to cabin ten, and walked in the door. "Alright Ladies and Gentlemen! We have a code orange here," Piper said and pointed at Annabeth. All of the kids gasped, Lacey and Valentina walked over to Annabeth and hugged her. 

"Oh you poor thing!" Valentina comforted her. "Yeah," Lacey said softly. Annabeth has a confused look on her face until Drew Tanaka said, "Hun, a code orange is when you've got your period and all your good bras are dirty and you've got nothing to wear!" Annabeth nodded. 

"Ok then! Fix me children!" Annabeth yelled, and then, everyone's (even Piper's) inner Aphrodite was showing.

Percy and the guys were having a worse time. Leo was freaking out about technicalities in the proposal, Nico and Jason were laughing at Leo, and Frank was the only on being helpful by ironing Percy's tux. Frank was muttering to himself about how he was sad that Hazel had gone to  Camp Jupiter for some stupid event. 

Percy on the other hand was pacing about, rehearsing his speech. 

————-Later at the beach————

Percy was sitting on the picnic blanket, watching the sunset and waiting for Annabeth to show up. Then he heard a voice behind him, "Seaweed Brain? Are you just gonna sit there, or are we gonna have a wonderful date?" 

Percy turned his head. As soon as he saw her his jaw dropped to the underworld. With good reason too, Annabeth looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a short, flowy, floral, see-through dress on top of a beautiful, yellow, long-sleeved under dress. She had high heel boots that zipped in the front with cuts up and down them. Her makeup with subtle, but it just enhances her natural beauty. 

Percy spluttered. "A-A-Anna... who did- what- why? How-"

"The Aphrodite children.. they're always excited for a makeover.. apparently, I'm a code orange."

"..What in hades is a 'code orange'?"

"Well, a code orange is when you're on your period, all your good bras are dirty and you've nothing to wear! Fuck, those kids train and do drills for code orange.." Annabeth trailed off. 

Percy was shocked for a moment but then laughed. It was a great, hearty laugh.

Annabeth and Percy spent about an hour eating dinner and desert, everything made by Sally. Percy stood, took Annabeth's hand and pulled her up. "C'mon 'Beth, let's go for a walk."

The walked down the beach until Percy got down on one knee and said, "Annabeth Chase, we've technically been engaged since we were twelve when I threw that apple at you and you caught it. But, well, I wanted to ask you if you'd marry me for reals this time. So, will you marry me Wise Girl?"


Afterward, Percy and Annabeth walking into Percy's cabin, and you can understand what happened next. 

"And that, kids, is how your grandparents got engaged!"


A|N Sorry it took so long guys! Thank you so much for 4K tho!! Oh, and @Poge27 has finished with the new cover! I don't know when I'll change it, but I'll let you know!

That's all,


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