Number 44

820 14 4

(As promised, this is more of a filler chapter!)

I couldn't believe, just a month ago, Diego finally got on one knee and proposed. Sometimes, I think it's a dream, until I look at the diamond ring on my finger. Another step forward into our future.

Of course, Allison and Grace were doing all they could in helping me start planning, but I kept telling them, I wanted to enjoy the moment being a fiancé, and not jinx anything. A month without drama, arguing, fighting bad guys, just living normal...for once.

But, now, I was ready. Ready to start planning. It had been too long; I was just desperate to marry him and become Mrs...something.

"Hey, I bought some bridal magazines for you" Allison spoke up, as I took my attention away from the tea mug in front of me, as I sat alone in the kitchen.

"What for?" I asked her.

" are getting married, aren't you?" she asked me confused.

"Yes, of course. I just...these bridal magazines are usually for the women doing big ceremonies, but for us...we only have each other...I wish I could have a big fancy wedding...but deep down, I know it's impossible. We don't have the money for both a house and a I might keep it lowkey, especially if the public get hold of this information" I explained to her.

"What information, is that exactly?" she asked me.

"I can see the newspaper articles now...Hargreeves siblings get married, question mark..."

"Lexi, we all know the truth behind it...we are just orphans that were taken by an old man and raised to have a messed up child hood" Allison explained. "And let's face it, you've never had the connection of siblings to any of us"

"That's how I see it, how Diego see's it, but the public doesn't. It's why we want to move out of here, go on the other side of Canada, start fresh" I explained.

"And you do that,'ve waited too long for a happy ending, don't let nothing stop you. Have any wedding you want, expensive or not at all, guests or no guests, this is your day" Allison beamed brightly. I never knew she could be that sweet, even towards me.

"Diego and I's day, remember?" I corrected her sipping my tea.

"Lexi...let's face it, we both know, Diego just wants you to be happy, all he wants is to say I do and wait till the wedding night" she smirked.

"That's Diego for you" I smiled, before taking one of the bridal magazines. "I once found my wedding dress...but"

"But what?" Allison asked curious.

"This wedding is going to be really small, like just Umbrella Academy, no children, I mean you can invite Claire...if you are allowed. Not got any real friends, because they don't know who I am"

"They don't know who you are?" she asked confused.

"My job...I changed my name after Diego and I moved out, he didn't bother. So, I am technically Lexi Verona, I mean...somehow, my boss found out about who I really was, apparently there was a WHERE ARE THEY NOW? Umbrella Academy article online, she read it, and saw a picture of me. But the people I work with, believe I am just Lexi Verona..."

"Wow, that must have been tricky, keeping that a secret" Allison spoke, dragging the chair out from the table and sitting down.

"It was, but my boss knew it was my past, until I met Jamie, kept that lie, until I accidently used my powers, told him who I really was...and he just left, then boom, the old man dies, all caught up now" I sighed rubbing my head "Anyway. The quicker I marry Diego, the better, but I want to make some effort"

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now