Number 3

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I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling of my old childhood room. Not much of a childhood, so it was just a room to me now.

I couldn't believe Luther wanted to investigate the old man's death. So, what if he was murdered or had a natural dead. He was dead and gone. End of. But this was Luther we were talking about. Daddy's boy, Number One. Stayed behind to stay with the old man, for what? To be used. Luther was manipulated, given a title and it goes to his head.

Sitting up from my bed, I opened my bed side table drawer, taking out a photograph of Diego and I. We were young, in love and stupid. But yet, we shared a lot of memories together, memories that were the only good ones at the academy. And then after we left, we continued to share those memories, until Diego practically chose superhero life over an actual life with me.

Laying back on my bed, my hand glowed red, along with the photograph, gently moving my fingers to make the photograph float in the air. I continued to stare at our teenage selves. Not much had changed, just added scars, some ink and holes in my ear where needles went through.

I couldn't help but look at the way Diego looked at me in the photograph. I looked straight at the camera, with my smile, but he, he was looking at me. His eyes told it all. Love and lust. Unless I was just making it all up, thinking that's why he was looking at me, or he just didn't want his photo taken.

'Children behave, that's what they say when we're together. And watch how you play. They don't understand. And so, we're'

I frowned hearing...a voice speaking from across the hall, the voice getting louder and louder. And it made no sense whatsoever. The red glow from my hand and the photograph disappeared, making me catch the photograph. Sitting up, I walked to my bedroom door, opening it, before realising it was music. From what I could sense, it was coming from Luther's room. Closing the door behind me, I placed the photograph in the back of my jeggings, before biting my lip. Suddenly, I felt a smile creep onto my face, music was my thing. My drug, my cure. And I knew when it came to music, I couldn't help but either sing-a-long, mime-a-long

'Running just as fast as we can, holding on to one another hands. Trying to get away into the night and then you put your arms around me. And we tumble to the ground and then you say'

I couldn't help but start to move my body, slowly swaying my hips, my arms moving along, my feet travelling across my room.

'I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around I think we're alone now, the beating of our hearts is the only sound'

I couldn't stop my body from enjoying the song. Though I listened to music from nowadays, sometimes you couldn't beat a classic. The lyrics soon blurred out of my mind, only listening to the music, keeping to the beat.

Spinning around, moving my arms, smiling, giggling to myself, that is what happiness looked like. As I continued to dance, I spun around again, before noticing that vase, that vase that I nearly threw at Diego, moving slightly. Frowning I walked over to it before watching it shake violently, throwing itself at me, luckily, I moved out the way, the sound of glass smashing against the wall echoing my room.

"Okay...this isn't me" I frowned, feeling a small tingle, the same small tingle I would feel when using my abilities. Looking down at my hands, my hands glowed red, but I wasn't using my powers.

The sky turned dark outside my window, the house slowly shaking. Walking to my window, something large and blue was in the garden. Frowning I quickly left my bedroom and headed down the stairs, seeing the rest of the misfits looking confused.

"What's going on?" Vanya asked before looking at me. I put my hands up in defence.

"It's not me. I'm not using my abilities" I told her.

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now