Number 9

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Soon Diego pulled up along side the curb of the apartment building I resided in. Pulling the hand brake up, Diego looked at me.

"Before you shout at me, I want to say something" he told me. "I am so sorry for breaking your heart, and if I continue to do so...I just..."

"I get it Diego. You don't mean to" I told him nodding. "With what's going on at the moment, it's messing with our heads, it's just need to..."

"Fix my life?" he suggested to me.

"Kind of. Just...figure something out. A healthy life. Not fighting crime like we were trained to do, guide away from it"

"It's like a drug to me" he admitted looking down shameful.

"I know...but this drug is easy to drown out. For someone who hated our so-called father and way of life, you're showing that you enjoyed being a superhero" I explained to him.

"I know...but every kid wishes to be a superhero, don't they?" he asked me. I couldn't help but smile.

"I guess you're right...but sometimes...superhero's get killed...and I honestly don't want to get that phone call saying that you got killed will kill me" This was the first time I admitted how I really felt. Even so all those years ago.

"Is that why you ended it all those years ago?" he asked me. I looked at him and nodded.

"I thought me ending it would save me from the...well you know" I sighed to him. "Just promise me something, Diego" I asked him.

"Of course, I will damn well try, for you" he assured me.

"Get a good job, find a good place, find a girl, have a family. Live your life, grow old together...don't die young...we already lost one" I smiled softly at him and leaned over kissing his cheek. "It's something we all deserve, an actual life, away from...all the madness. Step away from the Umbrella Academy, live a normal life without any scrap of it. If I managed to do it, so can you, so can Allison" I assured him. "You deserve it, we all do". Turning to unbuckle my seat belt, I felt a pair of gloved fingers under my chin, guiding my face upwards gently, my blue eyes locking with Diego's.

Leaning forward he kissed me softly, and I, of course kissed back. How could I not? Our lips kissed in sync, Diego's teeth biting down on my bottom lip, causing me to gasp, his tongue sliding into my mouth, a moan escaping our mouths, before I pulled away, looking at him.

"Diego" I sighed as I spoke his name. He nodded as he positioned himself back into his chair.

"Yeah. I know" he sighed.

"Thank you for the lift" I thanked him before slipping out of his car and shutting the door. Looking up at the building, I headed towards the door, putting in the pin as the door opened.

"Wait! Lexi!" I turned around seeing Diego get out of the car and rushing to me. "After what those men did to you...I want to make sure the building is safe" he told me.

"Diego, I doubt they even know where I live" I explained stepping into the building.

"That's not a chance I am willing to take. Let me take a look around your apartment...then I will leave" he told me. I knew saying no was going to get me nowhere.

"Fine" I told him, heading towards the elevator at the end of the hall. Pressing the up button, it glowed green, before the elevator doors opened with a ping. Standing inside the floating box, I pressed the third level as Diego joined me.

'I think we're alone now' The elevator music couldn't help but make me smile, and I couldn't help but notice the smile on Diego's face.

The doors opened with a ping, before I headed down to my apartment door, frowning as I saw a piece of darkness against the door frame and the door. My door was opened. Walking to my front door, I looked at Diego. From the look on Diego he was going to burst in all Superman.

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now