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Hi! Long time no see!

I wanted to offer a massive, massive apology to everyone, regarding chapter 50, when I said I was back...but I wasn't.

Thing is, it's becoming a thing for me, and other writer's, that we are really struggling with getting that spark back to write our stories. I was supposed to move onto season 2 of TUA, and I never did, and one reason was, because I went off and did a few of my own storylines, got invested, and then got bored.

But, a lot of things have changed. I'm working a lot more hours than I did, so when I'm at home for two days, I just want to chill, and catch up on my tv, as writing, can take hours out of our days. And with Covid, it's effected a lot of people's mental health, like mine.

I lost my 19 year old cat to cancer and old age, so, I had a lot of anxiety during those nights and mornings, when I used to think, is he okay? Is he going to be alive when I wake up. I would also be waking up in the morning, just waiting for a hint that he was okay, and usually it was the sound of him jumping off my parents bed with a thud, or hearing his claws against the wooden flooring in the bathroom, followed by him hitting his water bowl with his paw, from a reaction to the cold water.

Then, during those next 6 months, I had so much anxiety regarding my leopard gecko...waking up at 4am checking if he was alive, and a lot of vet visits, until he sadly passed away in November from what I believe sepsis and a reaction to his injections. It was a lot of crap during those 6 months we were going through, which effected my mental health, and with working, I had no time to.

And to me, I still don't have that time, nor the energy to write anymore.

I'm not quitting, nor cancelling, I will be on a long hiatus until I can discover that spark back. Which I know can be disappointing to you readers, but I want to produce something that I love writing, and you love reading, and I don't want to force it or rush it and producing meh quality. 

So, I am really sorry for the weight, and I thought I would create a little chapter to let you know how I'm feeling, as I know, other writer's are struggling to continue to write.

Covid had impacted us all in different ways, and for me, and other readers, it's grabbed that spark and chucked it away. The only writing I'm doing, is the world of role-playing, that's the only writing I'm enjoying. 

This story isn't cancelled, just on hiatus, just like me, I'm here, any questions, message me, I will answer. Just, don't expect a chapter for some time, not until that spark has arrived back into my soul and mind, and probably when season 3 of TUA is back. But even then, it need to find a way to turn my chapters around and get writing into season 2, and then season 3, and it's going to take a while, which makes me not want to write, as it's a lot of stuff to do.

I will stop ranting and typing.

I hope you understand.

Thank you. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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