Number 42

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Tomorrow had finally arrived, which meant only one thing. Date night, which I agreed that we needed one, after everything that we had been through, either through our relationship or in our lives, we needed just one night to ourselves.

Diego said to be ready by 6pm, and it was 5pm, so as a female, we needed an hour to get ready. Shaving, hair wash, makeup, everything, it takes time to look decent.

Walking to the wardrobe, I looked at the multiple dress options I had on offer, which was limited. I only wore dressed for certain events, and date night was one of those, but I hadn't been on a date since...well, since Jamie and I had broken up, weeks, months ago...time wasn't my friend.

At least the voices were gone in my head. We hadn't told anyone, mainly because we were scared on how they would react, and then I knew the drill. Practice makes perfect, note making...I felt like an experiment. So, I would keep it a secret for now, until I had a reason to actually use it, I had enough spotlight on me for now.

Lorna had returned home, Allison and Luther made sure she got home safely, her family relieved to see her. She was a missing person, but of course, the Professor was clever enough to not leave trails behind.

The building in where we were captive was all rubble, but after a small, what people believe was an earthquake, officials found the rubble site, and thankfully a dead body underneath that matched the description of the Professor, along with his workers.

Maybe people would leave me, us alone, knowing this was the second man I had killed who kidnapped me.

Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I caught my eye on a dress, hidden in the darkness of my wardrobe. Grabbing the coat hanger, I looked at the dress in front of me. It was the dress I bought and wore for Diego and I's first official moving out date.

After we turned 18, we moved out together, much to the old man's disapproval. Of course, he saw nothing but sin between us, but we weren't brother and sister, just adopted orphans who grew up together. If, Luther and Allison could sneak around too obviously, why couldn't Diego and I do it better than them? I still remember that day, when Diego and I left the house, and the last words I told the old man.

'Thank you for making our child hood the worst it possibly ever could. You're not a father, you're just someone who uses kids for his own advantage, because your old and alone, and I hope you die alone'

And to this day, I do not regret those words, especially when he always spoke the same words to me every single day, most of the time, to remind me.

'You're nothing without your powers, Number Zero' But Diego proved I was more than my powers.

Grace wasn't the only one who helped him with his stutter, I also helped him, because one day, he suddenly got so nervous talking to me, he started to stutter to me. He had never stuttered in front of me...but to this day, now I know.

I remember, one night, we were 17. And that was the night we lost our virginities together, the old man was usually spying on us through a camera, but night, that special night, the camera system had broken down, thanks to Diego.

It was midnight, under the covers, and we were both as nervous as hell, but we knew how we felt about each other, and nothing stopped us. If he caught us, we wouldn't care, because we knew, when we were 18, we would leave. Some items of the house went missing...somehow.

Diego and I were naked, prepared, wanting each other, and he just looked at me, his eyes telling me something. My heart was pumping fast, I knew losing your virginity wasn't the greatest feeling in the world, it hurt, you bled, you were sore, but if you loved someone, it was totally worth it.

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now