I'M BACK! & Number 50!

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So, casually watching Bones, and I had the urge to write a chapter. Which means, I'm back! And it feels so good to write another chapter! I've missed it so much, and I remembered where I was last!

I'm so sorry for the delay, but things are slowly picking up here, which means my life is slowly coming back to normal, which means, more writing, more chapters.


"Now that is what I call the mile high club" Diego chuckled, kissing the exposed skin on my neck, as I buttoned up my blouse. The plane was landing which meant no more rounds and we had to strap in.

"That's something off our bucket list, what's next?" I asked him curiously.

"Hmm, sex in a hotel in another country?" he suggested to me.

"We can definitely check that off our list. I have a feeling sex would be a good distraction for me right now, and all through this trip...my heart is pounding, I can feel my pulse everywhere on my body" I admitted to him.

"Yeah? Everywhere?" he asked smirking "Didn't think you could get a pulse down there" he chuckled

Rolling my eyes, I turned to face him. "I'm being serious...and yes you can, just not a pulse from your heart beat from what I've experienced" I explained, before standing up "Come on, we should strap in, there's a reason why you have to strap in before the plane lands, always been curious though" I said standing off the bed and finishing getting dressed. Once Diego had finished, we both left the back bedroom heading to the seats.

The plane had finally landed, and I had anxiety running through my blood stream. I looked out of the small jet window, seeing nothing but tarmac, blue skies, more airplanes, and the heat rippling off everything outside. Which meant it was hot. And I was already hot from Diego and I's mile high club session.

"You good?" Diego asked me, his shirt rumpled on his body. Diego had wanted to take the smart formal approach when meeting my mother. Apparently, he wanted to impress her on his side of being the fiancé to her daughter.

"No...but I will be okay...I mean...I will be finding my birth mother, God knows what information I will be finding out tonight...everything could go so right, and then, everything could go so wrong and backfire" I sighed to myself.

Grace had told me the event which happened all those years ago. Mother's who weren't pregnant, then suddenly 9 months pregnant and giving birth, and giving their children away for money to a millionaire, billionaire, what ever his status was.

"Well, I will be there for you every step of the way" he smiled softly at me "And when we get home, I know...most of them back home will be supportive as well"

"I know Diego" I told him "But...I'm worried of what it will do to me emotionally...I don't want to literally blow up in front of my birth mother and she realises what monster she thankfully gave up"

Diego watched as the seat belt light finally turned dark, allowing him to remove his belt, before reaching over to me and taking my hand. "Baby, you are not a monster" he assured me "You are a badass woman who has incredible powers, who when someone slaps her, she will punch back" he chuckled "And I can't wait for that moment to come one day" he winked "Come on, let's get off the plane"

Nodding to him, I unbuckled my seat belt from my waist and got up, before looking up at the over head cabins, opening the door and grabbing the bags, passing some to Diego, before taking my own.

Walking to the jet door, the door was pushed open, the heat of Italy hitting us both "Holy crap" Diego said covering his eyes with his hands "Damn, this is a whole new heat"

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum