Number 6

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I couldn't believe Diego. After everything we went through together, or should I say, everything I went through when we were together, I didn't ever think he would continue with his crime fighting career.

I felt so embarrassed, standing in front of the woman who also stole Diego's heart, and also slept with. Finding out what he has been doing, from her. I just couldn't stand there and listen to it all.

Finally arriving at the academy, I pushed open the doors, flicking my hands behind me, allowing the doors to slam shut, echoing through the building, the giant chandelier hanging in the foyer, making the smallest movements.

Vanya came into view, looking at me worried, and confused. "Lexi...are you okay?" she asked me.

"I'm peachy" I sighed.

"Where's Diego?" she asked again.

"Probably hooking up with his ex, talking about his crime fighting life" I told her bluntly, heading down to the stairs which lead to the kitchen, mom, standing by the sink cleaning up.

"How was your trip out, my dear?" she asked with her gentle kind voice, it was all programmed into her.

"If anybody else asks how it was, I'm gonna explode" Pulling out the chair to the table, I sat down and slumped my head onto the table, feeling the wet tears fall down my cheeks.

"Well we certainly don't want you exploding, I don't think your father would appreciate broken furniture again" Mom commented. Frowning, I lifted my head up.

"Mom, he is dead, and he isn't my father, never was" I explained.

"But he raised you" she added.

"He raised us to be his pawns in his life. We just have to face it, no body ever wanted us" I explained "Our parents give us up, and he just makes us his puppets, forced to do his work".

"He loved you in his own way" Mom added.

"It's not enough, when...if I ever have kids, I will make sure I tell them I love them, be the best damn parent I could ever be, better than he ever was" I spoke to myself, staring at the table in front of me, in my own world.

"Are you and Diego planning to have children?" she asked placing a glass of water in front of me. Frowning I looked at her.

"Mom...Diego and I broke up years ago, are you okay?" I asked frowning.

"Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine" she smiled "In fact, when you and Diego left the academy together, I imagined you wearing a white dress, walking down the aisle, Diego waiting for you, then I imagined you both coming home, and I open the doors seeing you holding the smallest baby in your arms" Mom spoke, staring into space. Maybe old age was finally getting to her, mentally.

"Well, Diego ruined that chance of marriage and kids" I mumbled, wiping my face, hissing at the sensation of pressing down on the bruise. Mom looked down at me, frowning in concern.

"My dear, what happened to your cheek?" she asked placing a thumb on my skin, gently grazing her thumb against it.

"Nothing" I said, before hearing my voice being called up from upstairs.

"Ah! Diego is home" she smiled.

"Mom, have you seen- "Diego spoke entering the kitchen seeing me, of course it was clear to him that I had been crying. "Lexi...let me explain"

"Explain what Diego? Even after ending the relationship after what you did, and you still do it. I thought me ending it would make you learn something, obviously I was wrong" I sighed rubbing my head in frustration.

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now