Number 31

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The ride in the back of a police car The Crusher was getting away with it, putting Diego in the hospital was a bad move. All I wanted to do was find out where he was staying, and deal with him. But that would most likely land me in even more trouble, we didn't need anymore issues.

As the police car came to a stop outside the station, the officers got out and one of them opened my door, gently pulling me out. I don't think Diego and I would be using any handcuffs in the bedroom; he's spent mostly of his life handcuffed, and me being handcuffed would just remind me of this.

Of course, people stared, trying to figure out what I had done to get me arrested. Drugs? Assault? Prostitution. Yeah, they were most likely thinking that. My outfit didn't help. But I wore more clothes than the girls on the strip. As the doors to the station were pushed open, Detective Beeman stood holding a cup of coffee, seeing me. He knew who I was.

"Please don't tell me, Diego has influenced you to become a superhero in the night?" he asked taking in my outfit.

"No, Diego is currently in the hospital with broken ribs and a pierced lung" I told him bluntly.

"What did you do?" he asked me, raising his eyebrow.

"Nothing" I shrugged. Technically I did do something, but assault by psionics wasn't on the list.

"She assaulted someone, sir...crushed his knee cap" one of the officers spoke up.

"So, you didn't do nothing, you did something" Beeman added.

"There's just an issue sir" the other officer spoke up.

"What's that?" Beeman asked frowning in concern.

"She didn't actually touch him to assault him, she wasn't anywhere close enough to do it" he replied.

Chuck Beeman looked at the officers confused. "What?" he asked. "I'll take her, get down to the bottom off it" The officers let go of me, while Beeman held onto my arm with the coffee in his other hand, guiding me to a questioning room.

Never thought I would be in a room, being questioned, usually Diego...I am not being influenced by him. Someone broke him, so I broke them.

After entering the room, I was placed on a metal chair, handcuffed to a piece of metal railing on top of the metal table. Beeman left the room, before soon returning, sitting in the metal chair opposite me. "Want to tell me what happened?" he asked me.

"Let me ask you a question. Do you need to be touching someone to assault them?" I asked him.

"Yes, you do" he responded.

"So, if you check the CCTV cameras in the gym, you will see the 'victim'" I made quotation marks as best I could with handcuffed wrists. "Is on one side of the ring, Diego on the other, I am in the middle. I didn't touch him, so I didn't assault him"

"Well, from what I have heard, there were witnesses, who saw you somehow...separate this fight, get into the ring, and somehow break the man's kneecaps"

"If you watch the CCTV footage, you will see I didn't touch him, so I couldn't have assaulted him" I added. "Now if you are not going to charge me, I have the right to be released" I added. Watching tv shows and movies about these certain scenes, never thought I would be in the scene.

Beeman looked at me and sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. "Okay" he said "We are going to have this conversation differently. Believe it or not, I know Diego, everything he has done, and some of the things he has done, I wouldn't agree with it, but mentally I have thanked him for it. Saving a family from robbers when the police hadn't even saved up yet. And I hate seeing him in a situation in the way he is now" he explained "I have done my research on...the Crusher. Doesn't seem legal to me. So, in a way, what ever you did. He deserved it"

Now I was surprised. But I had seen this move before. "Yeah, I'm not falling for that" I told him "if you're trying to get me to spill the beans, it isn't happening" she added. "So, I guess I will have to wait here until my lawyer comes" I added. Trying to sit back and relax in the chair. Not only was it uncomfortable, but my boyfriend was stuck in the hospital, and I needed to be there. "In the meantime, maybe a cup of tea? Two sugars" I added.

Chuck Beeman looked at me and sighed, standing up and taking his coffee cup with him as he left the room.

It felt like hours, but it was probably only minutes. Before the door swung open, revealing Allison and an officer...his eyes looked white, all over. As the door closed, I raised my eyebrow at my dysfunctional orphan sister.

"You rumoured him, didn't you?" I asked her, smirking.

"Never speak of this. I can't allow you to go to jail, and leave Diego. I ruined my life by making a mistake, so I am not letting you do the same. You two deserve to be happy and together"

"Breaking the man's kneecaps wasn't a mistake Allison, I did it on purpose" I added.

"I know. Which is why we are getting you out of here, using my ability for good...I think. Once Diego is better, you two will move to Vancouver, live your life"

I looked at Allison, hearing the name Vancouver, I mentioned it before I was dragged from the hospital room, so Diego must have talked to her about it.

"I'm happy for you both, I think you both need to get away from the Academy, the city" she explained. "I won't say anything to the rest of them, though let's be honest, they mostly won't care"

"Vanya knows already, she over heard us" I sighed. "We just have so many bad memories, now including this one, it will take a couple of months, maybe even a year, but...we both deserve happiness" I sighed.

"Don't worry we know"

"What about you and Luther?" I asked. Allison looked at me confused. "Okay, deny it" I smirked. "If we deserve to be happy, you do to. Even if you did rumour your career and possibly your family. Say no more" I put my hands up as much as I could before Beeman entered and frowned seeing Allison.

"And you are?" he asked. Ouch, someone didn't know the famous Allison Hargreeves. Number Three, famous actress, who secretly rumoured everything.

"No one you need to know" she spoke. "I heard a rumour" She spoke, an invisible wave coming from her mouth, towards Beeman's mouth, his eyes turning white. "That you are letting my sister go, and all charges are being dropped, and you will never remember what happened from the moment she walked into the station"

"I'm letting you go" he spoke, in a zombie like fashion. "Charges have been dropped" he added before leaving the room.

"Can't remember the last time I saw that" I mumbled.

"Now...we should have probably have asked for the keys" she mumbled.

"I'll deal with it" I mumbled back focusing on the lock on the handcuffs, using my psionics to click it. Smaller things tended to take a little longer. Hearing a click, the handcuffs opened. Releasing my hand, I stood up. "Okay, hospital" I told her.

"Actually, I think there is somewhere we can go first, I think the Crusher deserves more than a broken kneecap" Allison smirked at me.

"Are you wanting to go all Number Three on his ass?" I asked.

"No, Number Zero and Number Three. I know you don't see us as siblings, but I do. Diego is my brother, you're my sister"

"Minus the sex between us two" I added, trying to make a joke.

"But this man who hurt both of you, deserves a whole lot more. A murderer get's life in jail, sometimes less, I believe a life for a life. So, we are going to find him, I will deal with his men and security, you will go all Witch on this man. Do what he did to Diego, and I will provide a little story to cover our tracks"

"What kind of story?" I asked her.

"Something silly, to make him look stupid" she added. "Now where do you think he is staying?" she asked.

"Most likely the most luxurious hotel in the city"

"Okay, let's go hunt this guy then" Allison smirked.

Who would have thought, the Rumour and the Witch working together?

Number Zero; The Witch - Diego Hargreeves x OC *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now