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Kevin's pov.

Suddenly we heard some footsteps coming our way. "That's it", I thought, "they found us and now we are as good as dead." "Hide", I heard (y/n) whispering to me in a sharp voice. But I stayed. No way on earth I would leave her unprotected with a leg stuck between floor and statue. "Go!", she whispered again. "No, I am not leaving", I whispered back. I put my hand into the pocket of my jacket. There was a Swiss army knife a fan gifted me earlier. I took it out and prepared myself. I took some deep breaths and hold the knife ready as the footsteps came closer and suddenly stopped. Whoever was there must have spotted us. "Guys?", a familiar voice asked carefully. I looked in the direction to confirm who I was hearing. And it really was him.

"Daniel, oh my god. I am so glad we found you", (y/n) said. "Well, looks like I found you guys. What happened?", he said confused about the situation. "Her leg is stuck. I can't free her on my own. The statue is too heavy. But maybe us two can do it." Daniel looked at the statue as well and nodded. They positioned themselves to lift it. "(y/n), you need to be brave now. It'll hurt like hell when we take the pressure of your leg. But you need to pull it back as fast as possible. It looks quite heavy and we might not be able to hold it for more than a few seconds", I briefed her about my plan. The closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was panicking a bit and I was afraid she might not be cooperative. "I understand", she said in a shaking but clear voice. She took some more breaths. I saw the panic rising in here again. "I hope she does not faint", I thought and looked at Dan. "Now or never", he said. He searched in his pockets and pulled out some handkerchiefs. "Here", Daniel handed it to (y/n). "Bite on it."

(y/n)'s pov.

"Okay, here we go." Kevin and Daniel tried their best to lift up the part that was on my leg as fast as possible. When the pressure that was on my leg was taken away the pain immediately got worse. The crushing had numbed it a bit but when it was freed it just got 10 times worse. I wanted to scream so bad, but I hold it together. I pulled back my leg as fast as possible so they could let go of the statue. It was really heavy because both guys needed to take a seat next to me. I looked at my leg. There were a lot of big, dark bruises all over it and a lot of blood coming from a quite deep cut. Daniel took off his jacket and bend it around the wound to stop the bleeding. "God it hurts so bad. I bet a bone is broken", I said. "Could be", Kevin answered - still a bit out of breath.

Five minutes later the two were back to normal. We discussed what we should do next since I am now free but bleeding like crazy. Daniel took out his phone and tried to contact Sean. He got a signal and called him. "Sean? Thank god you are alright...Yeah, she is with me...Yeah." He handed me the phone. "Sean, I am okay. I lost my phone", I immediately said after Daniel handed me his. "I am so glad you are alright. The police arrested the attackers. They are going to evacuate all the remaining people inside now", Sean told me. I could here pure relief in his voice as he heard mine. I was also very relieved that he was well. "Listen, I hurt my leg so we might take a while until we are outside. But we will be on our way now. I can't wait to see you and hug you and never let you go again." "You are hurt? How bad is it?", Sean said - now not so relieved anymore. "I don't know...I" Daniel reached for the phone. "Give me the phone...Sean, it's me again. Listen, her leg is in a really bad shape. Her blood pressure is very low. She is also losing a lot of blood. Send us the paramedics! We are in the east wing near the entrance to the main stage." 

Painful - A Jacksepticeye x Depressed Reader FanFictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin