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Kevin and I went inside. I was still really really shy and awkward around him. „I'll call Sean and ask him where he is", i said quickly as if I would bother him with my talking. „I am such a mess at this", I thought and took my phone out. „Hey babe." „Hey, Kevin and me have arrived at the airport. We are at the north entrance next to the McDonalds." „Okay. I ran into someone who's also going to VidCon. We are on our way to your location." I got more nervous. Another new person. Probably another YouTuber. I just wished I wasn't that awkward. „Why are you looking so uncomfortable?", Kevin asked. „It's nothing,..." „you are a terrible liar. "Now tell me the truth." Even he could see through it even though he just met me. „Sean and some other person are on there way. and i am just afraid to screw up again." „I think I know who he brings along. And if I am right you don't have to worry. he's one grand, harmless fellow...quiet but grand, you can believe me that."

"(y/n) this is Daniel aka RTGame", Sean Said as he and the other guy reached us. „As you can tell of my introduction: He is an irish YouTuber as well." He smiled shyly. I was so nervous, but seeing the other person is shy too it makes things less awkward for myself. "Hey, I'm (y/n)", I said very nervously. „Nice to meet you." "Sorry to rush through your introduction, but we are running out of time. So, are we ready?", Sean asked. "I think so", Kevin answered and we headed to the check-in.

But our flight got delayed. "I have my Switch ready. Are you in for some Mario Party?", I asked. I tried my best to be courageous. "Me too. That means we have 4 joy-cons", said Daniel. So we used the time that the delay gave us to play some Mario Party. When we were finally able to bord the plane  I felt very tired. So I used the flight so sleep on Seans shoulder while the boys watched a movie. It was kinda strange. Normally it takes a lot of time for me to get used to new people. But with Kevin and Daniel it seems different...I get along with them very easily. Just like with Sean. Maybe I am really getting better?

"Hey sleepyhead. Time to wake up", Sean waked me up gently. "Just five more minutes", I mumbled. "Babe, the planes about to land", he said gently. I opened my eyes and sat up. "Okay." "You missed a great movie", Kevin said. "You missed a great opportunity to get some sleep", I said back. "She is right." "I get enough sleep." "Your eyes tell a different story", Daniel said. I was so impressed of myself. I could joke around with them easily.

As soon as we got off the plane and got our bags we went for lunch. We had to walk about ten minutes to reach a McDonalds. The whole walk the boys would complain about being hungry - typical boy stuff. "Hang on guys, just a few more meters." We had a blast just on our way to get food. I could not imagine what the rest of the trip would be like. That was the first time in many years that I was really really happy, really feeling comfortable around people and was trying to make friends with people. "I am looking forward to the Con", I said and looked at the clock. "How much time do we have left until you must hold your panel?", Daniel asked Sean. He had a panel running at about 5pm so we had about 3 hours left. "I think about 3 hours but we should be there a bit earlier." "Cool, so we can still go to our hotels to unload our bags. Which hotel are you staying?" "(hotel/n)", I answered. "(hotel/n", Kevin answered. (Sorry I don't know all the names of London hotels^^) "Kevin, you are such a misfit", Daniel joked, "I am staying at the same hotel as Sean and (y/n)." So as we finished feasting Daniel, Sean and me traveled to our hotel and Kevin went to his. We agreed to go meet at about 4pm at the entrance of VidCon. 

Painful - A Jacksepticeye x Depressed Reader FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now