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Jack's pov

I waited until (y/n) returned. I sat on the couch watching her till she stepped into the living room. "Evening", she said. "How was it?" "Stressful but it went good. I think I might have a chance", she said and hugged me. "That's great." "It really is. Everybody I met today was so nice to me. Some people even recognized me and told me that they love my channel", she said smiling. "See, everything got better since you graduated." "You were right. I love it. I hope so much that they take me." "They will. I believe in you and your talent." "Thanks Sean." 

I stood up. I knew I had to address the topic now. "Listen (y/n), I have to talk with you about something." "Okay", she said a little confused. "Sit down please." "What's up?", she said while sitting down. I took a deep breath. "I found your box." She was just starring at me. I could see the fear and anger in her face. "You looked through my stuff? Why?" "Because you stand up every night going to the bathroom." "Because I have to pee. You know I drink a lot of water before I go to bed." "Then tell me, why do you have those blades." "I totally forgot about them. I bought them a few months ago and hid them there. I swear, I did not use them. The last time I cut was before my graduation." "Then let me see your arms." "Why?" "Because I want to be sure you don't lie to me." "I am not lying to you." "Please." She took her sweater of. I could not see new scars, so she told me the truth. I felt so guilty. "(y/n) I am so sorry for distrusting you." She calmed down a little. She stood up and hugged me. "I understand that you were worried. But why did you not just talk to me? Instead you search the whole bathroom." "I thought you might lie about it." "I can understand that but I did not. I promised myself that I would never lie to you ever again about selfharm." She took her sweater. "Now excuse me, I'll take a walk." She grabbed her keys and left. 

I dropped onto the couch and called Mark. "Mark, I am such an idiot. You were right, I should have talked with her first." "How mad was she?" "She was not even mad, she was just disappointed." "I can relate to that." "She went for a walk. Is that a good or a bad sign?" "I can't tell but as I know her she won't take it for long." "I hope so." "Cook for her. That will lighten up her mood. You serve her dinner, tell her how sorry you are and everything will be good." "That's a good idea, thanks man." "Hey, you can always count on me." 

Painful - A Jacksepticeye x Depressed Reader FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now