Chapter 12 - Back at school

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(y/n) pov.

Deep breaths in, deep breaths out. I tried my best to stay as calm as possible. "You can do this. You're used to them staring at you", I told myself. One last deep breath in.

I slowly opened the door. Silence. Everyone instantly turned their head to the door to see who was coming in. The teacher as well. I stepped into the room and slowly closed the door behind me. The teacher found her voice again. "(y/n)", she said in a quiet and surprised tone, "I'm glad you recovered after your tragic accident." I nodded. "'s good to see you. Have a seat. I'll talk to you about what you've missed over the last 2 weeks during the next break." I nodded again and went to my desk. A few "Get well soon" cards and drawings laid there but I shoved them all to the side and took out my schoolbook. I looked at the teacher as if I wanted to say: "You can continue now." She looked at me, coughed twice to draw the attention back to her and slowly continued.

The bell rang. The teacher came over to my desk and gave me a note. "I've written down all the pages in your book that you need to go over and mark." I nodded. She went back to her desk. I took out my phone. "Morning. Everything fine at school?", Sean had texted me. I replied: "Morning. Everything is okay. People stare at me all the time. Like I'm some sort of alien." "Guess that happens when you nearly die on school grounds." "Yeah, that's true." "Have you talked to the principal yet?" "I did. She told me how sorry she was, etc. etc." "Did you expect something else?" "Not really." "How about (y/b/n)?" "He got expelled." "Serves him right" "Yeah." The bell rang again. I put my phone back in my backpack.

The gym teacher was ill, so we had a 2-hour lunch break. Stella, a tall blonde girl from my class, came over to my desk. "Hey (y/n). The girls and I were wondering if you want to join us for lunch. We're driving to Constance" Constance was the nearest Pizzeria. I was thinking about it. Normally, I would've refused instantly, thinking it could only be meant as some sort of joke or trap – but now... I was confused. "Yeah, that sounds good." I was not sure if I made the right decision – but I was pretty hungry, so pizza was nothing I wanted to say "no" to. "Really? Great."

I was nervous. I knew the girls since I was going to school with them but only on a surface level. I never really had any conversation with neither of them. I figured everybody wanted to get "on my good side" since the police was still investigating. On the ride to the Pizzeria, they asked me a lot of questions about the accident, the hospital stay and other things. I was prepared for that. When something like that happens, people get curious and want to know all the details. I told them briefly what had happened. "(y/b/n) and the others pushed me around, I slipped, and a car ran me over – that's what they told me. I can't remember the entire day." "The entire day?" "And the previous one. The last thing I remember was Sean, a friend of mine, picked me up to go see a movie at the cinema." "Really? That must me though." " is." Silence.

After we returned to school I went into the bathroom. I had a little panic-attack. I was not used to people being nice to me. I worried that it might just be temporarily and that once the investigation and trial was over, everybody would be mean to me again. "You can't trust them", I thought. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was right. "If I trust them now, it will hurt even more when they betray me in a few weeks."

I needed to calm down. I took out my phone and checked if I had a message from Sean. I did. "Is everything alright?" I sighed and replied "Yeah, everything's fine. Only 2 hours left." I decided not to tell him now over text. I would talk to him over Discord later.

Sean pov.

I could not sleep. I was worried about (y/n) going back to school the next day. Everybody would look at her – people would whisper and talk. I thought about ways to help her – but there was not much I could. I would text her in the morning and throughout the day to make sure she was okay. And I would pick her up after school – as a surprise.

I took a shower and searched through my wardrobe for a nice black shirt and some jeans. I wanted to impress (y/n). I figured it was my turn to impress her. I styled my hair and looked into the mirror. I was looking good. I looked at the clock and saw that I still had more than one hour. I figured I should record something while looking this overdressed. Maybe some early footage for a special project or something. A cooperation? I looked through my e-mails and calendar to check. "Bingo", I said and grabbed my camera. I recorded the footage and sent it to Robin. "Please edit this for the cooperation with (brand name). Thanks", I wrote. He replied with a Thumbs up emoji. I looked at the time, took one last look into the mirror and grabbed my keys. "Here we go", I said. I was nervous. Maybe because I liked her. Maybe because she knew I liked her and it overwhelmed her when I told her. But whatever it was, I could not change it. I had a plan, and I was determent to execute it today. "Could it ruin the friendship? Yes. Is it worth the risk? Probably", I asked myself while driving through Athlone. I parked my car and walked to the front entrance. This time I wanted to make sure I was there to pick her up the second she left the building.

I heard the bell ringing through the door. A lot of people walked past. I did not see (y/n) yet. I stood off to the side so people wouldn't immediately recognize me. I knew that there were people who had already seen me on the day of the accident but didn't want to bother me after something like that. And at the moment I wanted to be left alone. A few students came to me and asked me for photos. I didn't want to be rude, so I quickly snapped one with them.

"There she is", I thought and walked towards her. I was walking by her side. She was so focused she did not even notice me at first. "Hey", I said. She flinched a bit. I laughed. "Hey...Sorry, I was so focused, I did not see you. You scared me for a second", she said and laughed too. "Surprise. I wanted to pick you up from school." "Really?" "Yeah." "That's so nice of you. But you did not have to do that." "I know. But I wanted to make sure you get home safe." "Thanks." We went to his car. "Should I drive you home...or do you want to see my apartment?" She had a surprised look on her face. "I would love to see your apartment." "Okay, then let's go." 

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