Chapter 4 - the meet-up

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(y/n) pov.

I rolled around in my bed for what felt like hours. I could not fall asleep. I ended up lying awake for almost the entire night. I managed to get some sleep eventually. My alarm rang at 9. Normally, I would be well rested, ready to take on the Saturday – this time I felt like I did not sleep a minute. But the adrenalin from my nervousness and excitement kicked in and I started to feel better. I took a shower, prepared some clothes for later, studied for my next exam and made myself lunch. I was quite productive – given the lack of focus on anything other than the meet-up with Sean.

At half past 2 I got dressed and did my hair and make-up. I did a good job. I usually never style my hair or do my makeup for school. But today was a special occasion. I grabbed my handbag and checked if I had everything. "Here we go", I said to myself before opening the door. I locked my apartment and went to the bus stop. I checked Google-Maps. Going to the Park would take me around 40 minutes. So I would be there at around 2:45. I was still saving up money for college so I could not afford a car at the moment.

It was 2:50 when I arrived at the park, so I decided to sit down on a bench next to the path that led to the mall. I figured Sean might use the parking lot of the shopping centre and that bench would be the easiest to find when he comes from that direction. I took my book out of my backpack and started reading. I turned off silent mode on my phone in case Sean would call me. I was immediately reminded why I usually never do that: every minute I heard a sound from all the different Social Media apps.

A few minutes passed and nothing really happened. Suddenly I heard some footsteps coming in my direction. I looked up just to find that 3 guys from my class were walking up to me. (y/b/n) was one of them. "Not now", I thought and panicked. But I could not leave. They would follow me around the park no matter where I would go. I checked my phone. It was 2:55. They came closer and stopped right in front of the bench. One on each side to make sure I could not run away. (y/b/n) stood in front of me. "Look who we have here...Didn't think I'd meet you here. You usually don't leave your house except to go to school. Or not?" I did not give him an answer. "Come on (y/n). We just want a little chat with you...After all, we are classmates, aren't we..." "I have nothing to say to you." "Oh really?" He took a step towards me. "You're still acting tough, even though we all know that all you do is hide away at home. We all know that you don't have any friends, so be a little more grateful for a" I hoped that if I didn't give them an answer they would leave. (y/b/n) looked around. "What are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?" I knew I couldn't give them that satisfaction. "Can you please just leave...You can still make fun of me enough on Monday." "Oh, come on...We're not making fun of you...Where are we making fun of you right now? This is just a nice conversation between classmates. Now don't be like that..."

But of course, they saw through the situation: Of course, I was waiting for someone. And that's why they wouldn't move. (y/b/n) grinned. "Is our little ugly duckling on a date?" I shook my head. "'s a date...Who? Your cousin?" I rolled my eyes. "Could you please just walk away? I just want to have peace and quiet for one afternoon..." The three laughed. "It's her cousin. I knew it...No one else would meet up with someone like you. Everyone runs away as soon as they see you..." (y/b/n) looked at her and raised one eyebrow. "You probably feel pretty because you've done something about your otherwise terrible face and your hair isn't hanging around like a broom for once..." He took another step closer. "...Unfortunately, it doesn't make much of a difference when you look like yours...And your date will notice that as soon as he looks at you." I didn't say anything to that.

"Don't worry: We'll stay right here until", he said, grinning powerful. I was defeated. As soon as Sean would arrive, they would start talking and he would believe them. I felt a panic-attack starting. There was nothing I could do. "Come on now (y/n). You don't always have to put on such a show. We know that your "panic attacks" are just for show. The act might work at school, but not here..."

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