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Do you ever think everybody's eyes are on you when you walk the halls of your school, or that you're being judged as you walk. Your feet start to feel heavier with each step you take and you can feel your heart beating through your chest, you grip the straps on your backpack with sweaty palms, and try to keep your head down.
Or maybe it's the opposite for you and you always have a group of people by your side as you walk with your chest in the air and a smile plastered on your face.

Either way somebody's always judging you.

"Y/n, Y/- bitch what are you thinking about?"
"Huh-oh i- nothing." Jayda rolled her eyes before she continued speaking, "Anyways, did you hear that Billie and Isaiah broke up." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why does she think that I care, I haven't spoken to Billie in years we've both changed she's not the Billie I used to know.
"Uh okay? Why should this concern me?" Jayda gave me an annoyed look and flicked my forehead.
"I know you like her I'm not dumb."
"Uh no I don't she's a bitch."
"Mhm- speaking of her look who's coming." Jayda nodded her head behind me, I turned around to see the one and only Billie Eilish. She was wearing her usual beanie and baggie clothes combo, I don't know why but something about how she carried herself and the way she dressed is just extremely attractive. But, of course she's a player everybody and their mom was trying to get into her pants and most of the time she lets them with no hesitation. Jayda wasn't wrong a part of me did like her but another part of me can't stand her. I caught myself biting my lip softly while admiring her. Billies eyes locked with mine and she made her way over to me. She stopped a few inches in front of me, her arm was supporting her body on a locker. Billies slightly raspy voice was music to my ears when she lets out two simple words, "Wassup Y/n." a smirk of confidence made its way onto her face. Her eyes shifted down to my lips and with her free hand, she brought her thumb to my lips and slowly pulled my bottom lip free from my teeth. Billie started at me for a few moments before she pushed herself from the locker. Before she left she stopped and leaned forward to whisper in my ear. Her warm breath on my ear made me lick my lips in excitement, "It's been awhile" She made sure her shoulder softly hit mine as she walked away. I was still in my own world before a strong grip on my shoulder made me come back to Earth. Jayda was staring at me with her mouth agape and pure confusion in her eyes.
"Y/N! What the fuck was that!"
"I have no fucking clue."
A soft buzz in my pocket made me reach for my phone. To no surprise unlock my phone to see a text from Billie.
mega bitch 😡🙄
meet me at my house @5

                                        Read 11:35
this is ass but i promise the next few parts will be better 😳

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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