gym class

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"lookin' at my teeth like you never seen a gold tooth."

Word Count: 1257

My eyes widened in anticipation when I noticed the large round ball speeding in my direction.
"Oh fuck."
My head cocked back violently when it came in contact with the ball. I lost balance and fell onto the shiny wooden floor. I clutched my now aching nose, I could feel a warm liquid oozing out of it. I pulled my hand back and sucked my teeth when I saw it covered in a dark crimson liquid. I ran my tongue across my the front row of my teeth when I sensed an absence. My heart sunk when I realized I lost a tooth. I could hear the teachers whistle blow, causing the class to come to a stop. A few gasps could be heard as a few people made their way over to me. I groaned and turned my head when someone kneeled next to me.
"Shi- are you okay?"

            ~10 minutes earlier~

"Nah bro, Emma D is way hotter than Emma C. Have you seen the ass on that girl?" I closed my locker revealing Brandon, my bestfriend. We've been best friends since 7th grade, we're both seniors now. He's been there for the best and worst moments of my life. I remember when I came out to him. It was the day he told me he had a crush on me even though he had a girlfriend. So, I honestly responded and told him I thought his girlfriend was hot. We both stand out in our school, maybe it's the colored hair that's always changing, the bold way we dress, or the matching gold tooths we got on our 16th birthday.
"That is false my friend, Emma C is mighty fine." We both laughed before we made our way down the hall. We usually ditch, but this is the only class I'll willingly attend. The girl that's had my heart since we were freshmen is in it.
Brandon nudged my shoulder and cocked his eyebrow.
"You know what you have next, with you know who." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully and made obnoxious kissing noises.
"Yeah gym class." I shrugged my shoulders not paying attention to his teasing. He sucked his teeth before he spoke.
"Bil, when are you gonna tell her how you feel. You've been crushing on her for a hot ass minute." I sighed realizing he was right. What's the point of crushing on her if I'm never going to act on my feelings.
"You're right, today's the day." Brandon smiled and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.
"Aye look who's balls finally dropped." I pushed him playfully and shook my head.
We both parted ways when we reached the gym, he went into the boys locker room and made my way to the girls. As soon as I walked in I was hit with an intense smell of perfume. The room was filled with laughter as girls changed. I made my way to the other side of the room, I tried my hardest to avoid the girls making tik toks, I wasn't in the mood to be in the background of a video.
I came to a abrupt stop when I saw her. Her back was turned to me. The only thing covering her was a bra and a pair of  shorts. Her long Y/H/C hair was cascading down her back. I bit my lip when her muscles flexed when she went to put her shirt on. I felt like such a pervert watching her, but I couldn't avert my eyes. Her beauty was captivating and I couldn't help but admire. I quickly recollected myself when she started to turn  around. She jumped slightly when she noticed another presence other than her own.
"Oh- hey Billie. You scared the shit out of me." She let out a nervous laugh.
"Sorry my bad Y/N." She waved me off before smiling lightly. I let out a awkward laugh in return. Y/N eyed me before she walked closer. She stopped in front of me only leaving a few inches between our noses.
"So Billie, do you always watch people change like that?" My eyes    widened when I heard her words.
"Y/N I- um I-I." She put her finger against my mouth silencing me.
"Kiss me."
"You heard me."
"Wait now?"
"Billie!" I placed my hand on the back of her neck making our lips connect. Y/N tugged at my shirt trying to take it off. I reached for the hem of my shirt before I was cut of by rough tapping on my shoulder.
"Huh?" Y/N was standing in front of me with a confused look on her face.
"You good? You were just like standing there behind me daydreaming." I mentally face palmed myself.
"Yeah I'm good." Before she could respond I swerved around her and made my way out the locker room and into the gym. Apparently we're playing dodgeball today. I stepped over the line of red rubber balls and made my way over to Brandon.
"Bro the most embarrassing thing just happened." Before he could reply, the gym teacher blew his whistle. Everybody ran towards a ball, except my slow ass. I turned around in an effort to register what was going on. I immediately regretted my decision when I saw a red ball speeding towards my face.
"Oh fuck."
My head cocked back and I hit the ground hard. The teacher blew his whistle once again when he saw me on the ground groaning in pain. My hand was covered in blood. When I swiped my tongue across the top row of teeth, I almost let out a scream. My gold tooth was knocked out.
"Shi- are you okay?" I groaned and turned my head over. My eyes landed on a concerned Y/N.
"Yeah I'm fine don't worry."
"Billie I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you."
"Y/N it's okay really." Y/N sighed in defeat. She stood up and reached her hand out for me to take. I locked hands with her, she pulled me up slowly. I looked beside her to see Brandon standing holding a shiny object. My eyes widened when I realized it was my gold tooth. I quickly snatched it from his hands before Y/N saw.
"Aw, who am I gonna match with now."
"Fuck off." He smiled before he ruffled my hair. I swatted his hands away and flattened my hair out. I ignored him and turned my attention back to Y/N.
"Look I'm sorry, maybe I could give you my number. We could hang out sometime, you know I could take you to a movie or something."
"Uh- yeah I'd like that." Y/N smiled and ran her fingers through her hair.
"Oh yeah sorry." I pulled my phone out my pocket and unlocked it. I handed it over to her so she could put her number in it. Once she finished she handed it back and smiled softly. We both stood there awkwardly before Y/N cleared her throat. Before I could register what was happening I felt a pair of soft lips on my cheek. She pulled away biting her lip.
"Bye Billie."
I turned around and looked at Brandon.
"B-B-B-bye." I pushed him playfully with the hand that wasn't pinching my nose. We highfived and laughed together.
"Best gym class ever."
"Fuck yeah."

Song: Gym Class by LiL Peep

and that's (tap tap) the motherfuckin (tap tap) tea

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