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Waking up was no longer the hassle it used to be. I now welcomed the streaks of sunlight that peeked through my dark grey curtains, indictating the beginning of a new day. I now looked forward to enduring the eternal fight that is willing my eyes to open before eleven o'clock, and stay open, because I knew I'd be able to see her again. The relationship I had with my roommate Billie turned intimate shortly after she moved in when I -on accident-, discovered her sexual preferences late one evening. It was a discovery that completely changed our friendship and how we viewed each other. In the beginning, the sex was meaningless with no strings attached; as agreed. It was a connection built solely on trust, lust and exclusivity. While in the apartment, we belonged to one another. Outside of the apartment though, it was any other woman's game. Things stayed the same for a long time until just a few months when the emotions on my end began to change. I was noticing things about Billie that I hadn't really noticed before, and it was only a few days ago when I thought about the painful reality of our temporary situation, did I realize I had feelings for her.

Laying comfortably against the headboard with my back against the plush leather, I absentmindedly played with a strand of her blue hair that flowed down her back; hiding the nakedness from view. Laying here, I couldn't help but admire her exposed pale skin as she slept soundly, head buried in the pillow next to mine. Memories of the previous night still lingered fresh in my mind, making it almost impossible to rid the conflicted emotions I felt deep within. Even though it happened hours ago, I could still feel her lips on mine. Her hands on my body. The taste of her on my lips. The faded sounds of her moans still ringing in my ears as she begged me for more. She was everywhere I looked, often occupying my mind when she had no business being there in the first place. She wasn't my girlfriend nor my wife, she was just someone I fooled around with. Someone I knew I shouldn't care for in that way, but did anyway; stupidly. With a sigh I slid out from underneath the warm covers, careful not to wake Billie as I got out of bed and quickly threw on a pair of underwear and one of Billie's oversized t-shirts before heading down the hall and into the kitchen. To keep myself busy, I decided to get a head start on breakfast. Ten minutes later the kitchen was a mess but the mouthwatering aroma of homemade waffles filled the air. I was so focused on trying to not burn the last couple of waffles that were cooking in the iron, I hardly paid attention to the rustling emitting from the bedroom. "I love seeing you in the kitchen," Billie muttered quietly as she walked up behind me, wrapping her arms loosely around my waist before resting her chin on my shoulder. The immediate warmth her body provided made me smile. "Is that so?" I asked humorously, the waffles momentarily forgotten as I turned around in her grasp so I could look into her gorgeous blue eyes that reminded me of the morning sky. "Is it because of the apron? Does it turn you on?" I chuckled raising my eyebrow slightly "It totally does, doesn't it?" She bit her lip to hold back a laugh."Mhm," she nodded. "Only because it's on you, and I know it's true." I hummed, a mischievous smile creeping onto my face. Before she had any chance to react I had already leaned down and taken the underside of her thighs hostage before lifting her legs up off the floor with ease."Y/N!" she squealed, wrapping her legs around my torso as leverage; arms coming to wrap around my neck. "I swear to god-" I chuckled lightly before speaking "I won't drop you," I promised, cutting her off. "That would be wasting perfectly good eye-candy."She rolled her eyes, giggling. Placing her down atop the marble counter just across from the stove, I let my hands slip down to her hips. She gave me a sexy smile before hooking a finger underneath my chin before dipping her head down to press her lips against my own. I welcomed the contact gladly, returning the kiss with just as much passion, if not more. Just as her hands began to wonder underneath the apron, I pulled back with a laugh."Did you not get enough last night?" I teased, letting my fingers run over the bruises that littered her soft thighs and love bites that decorated the skin on her neck and chest. I may or may not have went a little overboard last night. Her eyes clouded over with obvious lust. "After last night," her hands suddenly grabbed my backside, and with a smooth but powerful tug, our bodies were pressed so close together I could feel the shape of her breasts just underneath the material of her shirt. The sudden contact caught me off guard and I gasped, making the smug grin she already wore on her flawless face, deepen."I could never get enough of you." she finished. The smile on my face faltered a bit, but I was quick to catch it before she could notice and ask any questions. I was never one for confrontation, and I worry that one day I could say the wrong thing under pressure, that would inevitably drive her away. I mean, how long could this relationship really last? One day she'd meet someone special or get tired of me, and I'd just have to deal with it because that's the situation I put myself in. Before the silence got anymore defending and a cause for concern, I forced another smile on my face and squeezed her thigh reassuringly. "Just wait until after breakfast, okay energizer bunny?" I said as I then untangled myself from her legs. "I'm starving and these waffles ain't gonna make themselves." She pouted in disappointment, but said noting and offered to help me with breakfast.

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now