Long Distance

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  I miss Billie so much. She's been on tour for two months now and it's killing me. I hate not being able to touch her and I hate that I can't have an actual face to face conversation with her. I'm also worried that she's gonna loose interest in me or she might find someone else. Billie's in Seoul right now, and I'm stuck in LA all alone. My phone started to ring, I picked it up and I got excited since Billie was FaceTimeing me. I quickly answered happy to see her face again.

  "Hey baby I miss you so much." I was stuck in a trace staring at Billie. I feel like I haven't seen her in years. "Why are you crying Y/N/N?" I didn't even realize I was crying until Billie said something. God I'm such a mess without this girl. "Oh I'm I just really miss you Bil." She pouted and whimpered quietly. "Don't cry baby. I have a show in LA in like 2 weeks, you just have to wait for me mamas." I nodded my head and wiped my tears with my sleeve. "Now can you smile for me I miss your smile." I blushed and hid my face in my hands. Billie started to make silly faces to try and make me smile. I couldn't help but smile at her goofy ass. "I have to go babe, I love you though." I frowned but I said I love you back. Billie hung up as soon as I replied. The sad part is we were only on FaceTime for like 10 minutes, this long distance shit is killing me. 

Yoooooooooo thanks for 1.6k reads idk why you guys like this trash ❤️😂 I didn't really know how to end this one and I kinda gave up so I hope it's decent...

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