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Just let me know so I won't look dumb

She left me hanging. While I was head over heels in love with her, she was slowly losing interest in me, I just wish she would've let me know. I followed her around like a lost puppy, but she could really care less about where I ended up. I gave her all of me but she gave me nothing in return. I looked dumb giving her my heart when that's the one thing she could never give me in return. I just wish she would've let me know.

I went to sleep hoping the pain would go away, but when I woke up it was still there.

I remember the nights when the pain was so unbearable, but I always had hope. I would hope that it was just a terrible dream. But it wasn't, the pain never left me side, it was like a parasite.  One that I would be stuck with for the rest of my life. I would think back to the times when our "love" was the strongest. Little did I know it was all an act, but sometimes I like to think the love was real. I like to think it was real so I feel a little less broken.

The pain won't go away, so I just live with it.
I'm just a lost soul now, I really thought she was the one for me. But, I was played like a piano. She knew her feelings weren't genuine, so why'd she stay? But, I'll learn to live with the pain, it's my only option.

I guess I'm forever numb

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