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Word count: 1796
You sat in a smoke infested room, the strong smell of cigarettes was choking you.
The old green chair you sat in would occasionally creak with every move you made. You tried your hardest to keep your coughs in, covering your nose was your only option.
You could hear the screams of agony from people in other rooms.
You wanted nothing to leave this place as soon as possible.
You watched in horror as people with bruises and stab wounds left the room your girlfriend was in.
You sat next to man that was whispering to himself in what you assumed to be fear. He would occasionally tremble and cradle himself.
"Sir are you okay?" You asked in a soft tone, not wanting to frighten him anymore.
"Aren't you scared? I have a family and I didn't sell the quota so now either I get hurt or they get killed." he explained, tears spilled from his lifeless eyes as he spoke. "Y-you sell drugs?" You asked him confused.
Billie told you that she worked with a company that take cares of wounded homeless people.
"Yeah, don't you? Why are you sitting here not scared of what's going to happen to you." He said looking at you surprised at your response.
"Manning, it's your turn" Both of your heads snapped towards one of the doors. A large guy walked out. The man next to you immediately started to beg and cry as the larger man made his way over to him.
He grabbed him by his arm yanking him to walk. The guy you were talking to looked back at you in fear. As the door opened you tried to peek in to see what was happening. You didn't even get the chance to fully look.
Thirty minutes passed and the guy form earlier. "Manning" left the room thanking the men. He was crying tears of what you assumed to be joy.
"Are you okay. What happened in there?" You ran over to him, grabbing his arm stopping him.
"They had mercy on me." He replied with a massive smile on his face. He pulled his arm from your hold and made his way towards the door.
Manning opened the door, but he stopped before he exited. He turned to look at you, Manning gave you a look of sympathy and smiled softly."Good luck."

"Sweet-cheeks lets go." Before you could respond. The large guy from earlier grabbed your arm pulling you towards the room Manning was just in.
"Hey, don't grab me" You said trying to yank your arm from him.
"Look it's the easy way or my way, you choose sweet-cheeks." He said with a small smirk on his face.
You didn't answer, you just obliged and walked with him towards the room.
The room you enter was dimly let, and the faint smell of cigarettes lingered. He led you to a chair. Once you were seated someone strapped you in.

"Some girl is here sir." A guy with dark brown hair said.
"Who?" Another guy with pink curly hair said before he lit a cigarette.
Billie was standing next to him, she was rummaging through a draw. She was completely oblivious to what was happening.
Another girl smirked at you, she hard deep red hair me dark brown eyes. She was twirling a small knife around in her hands.
"Yo, Bil I think you have a visitor." The same guy said, briefly take his cigarette out his mouth to blow some smoke.
"What 7?" Billie said annoyed, she turned around to face him.
She was holding a bag of coke in her hands when her eyes met yours, Billie's eyes immediately widened.
"What the fuck!" She dropped the bag that was in her hands.
"Yeah, what the fuck is right Billie! I'm strapped to a seat and I was dragged in here for no reason!" You said raising your voice.
"You lied to me Billie, what the fuck is going on?"
"Let her go I need to talk to her." Billie said picking the bag up off the ground and putting it back in the drawer.
You were released from the chair and soon as you speed out of the warehouse and to the nearest bus stop. You could hear Billie behind you, you tried your hardest to ignore her.
"Y/N wait!" Billie grabbed your wrist spinning you around to face her.
"Why did you lie? I didn't know you were a fucking drug dealer!" You yelled pulling your wrist out of her grasp.
You could feel hot tears start to stream down your face. Your eyes were soon clouded by tears, small sobs would occasionally leave your mouth.
Billie's job was dangerous and the fact that she could be killed if she crossed the wrong person or gang scared you.
"Y/N, breathe baby. I'm sorry for lying to you. I just didn't want you to be involved in my lifestyle." Billie tried to pull you into her arms. You pushed her away waking closer to the bus stop.
"Listen the less you know the better baby." Billie walked closer to you.
"I rather not even know you at this point." You whispered not wanting to fight anymore. You just wanted to get this over with.
"You don't mean that. I would never put you in harms way Y/N. You're my everything, I couldn't live without you." She said taking your hand in hers.
"I know but you lied to me about something so serious Billie. Do you know how torn I would be if I got news about you being killed?" You said turning to face her.
"I understand you worry about me but I'm fine, trust me. Now, let's just go home baby." Billie said taking your hand in hers. You two walked back to the warehouse hand in hand.
Once you reach the warehouse, you climb into her car and lock the doors. Billie had to go back to get her backpack and her phone.
Your eyes widened and you screamed in shock when you see a group of people running into the building with guns. Ducking low, you watched what was happening. You heard gunshot and cried silently hoping Billie was okay.
You watch as the guy from earlier, 7 was dragged out with a bag on his head.
He was tossed into a beaten up white van. The men with red bandanas wrapped around their mouths hurried into the car. The tires screeched as they sped off. Once you were sure they were gone. You got out the car running into the warehouse calling for Billie. You covered your mouth in disgust. The body guards were laying on ground. Blood spilled rapidly from their wounds, you closed your eyes when they landed on a body with a bullet wound in their head.
When you found the room you were in with Billie's clique, you push the door open. Your eyes land on a the body on the ground. It was the girl with the knife from earlier. She was missing her knife from her hand.
Looking around behind the desk for the knife someone grabs you and pulls you behind the drawer from earlier.
"Billie?" You asked into the dark.
"Yeah, babe it's me." She said before she got up to turn the lights on. She pulled your arm leading you to another room. Your eyes widened when you realize where you were.
She was led you to a money vault. Billie started to hand you multiple stacks of 100s.
"Here put this in the book bag." She placed the money in your lap before she went to grab some more.
"We can't take this." You said completely confused, you were scared though.
You didn't know who the money belonged to.
"Look Y/N, we have to go. I made sure to document half of this so I have some left. 7 planned this, he's going on the good side of town and I can have a new start with you. We need some money then we can get out of here. I already got a house in California our things are there already. We take half and leave babe, I want our happy ending." She explained, she grabbed your face softly and connected kissed you. You kissed back. When you pulled away you sighed and ran your hand through your hair.
"Fine, let's do this." You agreed and picked up some more stacks of money.
You put the backpack on and walked back out to the area where the girls body laid.
"It's fine 7 is friends with the police, but did you touch anything just in case?" She asked you.
"Yeah the door knob" You pointed to knob. She took out a flashlight and shined it over the knob.
Then slipping her hand in a thick glove. She picked up the dead girls hand and rubbed it all over the knob.
"Who was she?" You asked curious as to who the girl was.
"Oh, her name was Dani, she was 7s assistant."

"Okay, let's go through the back" Billie whispered and led you towards the back exit.
"Billie the car in the front though." You said walking closely behind her avoiding blood puddles.
"Oh that it's 7s car don't worry." She said pushing her back on the door to open it. You and Billie walked for while to her car."Bil, what happened?" You asked pacing your self to her frantic walking speed.
"7 called in his people who were selling and gave them money telling them to do better in their life. He also had them fake wounds to make them look weak. Then his assistant was planning on killing him. I was the mole in their group even tho Dani was cute but she was crazy." She explained walking next to you."You thought she was cute." You said a bit jealous."You're sexy baby and plus she was crazy. When she sold for us she wouldn't give us the full amount of money. She would take it to buy heroin. 7 knew and went to the police. His brother is the chief of our city police and knows about the business 7 runs. So when he went he had some of this friends from up state to kill his assistants. He left me because he knew I wanted out once I found you. So he let me have half of his sales and the rest is police officers who come by to clean the mess up." She explained taking a turn into a valley.
"Bil, where are we going?" You asked walking behind her."Here baby." She said opening the doors of the ranger rover . Tossing the bookbags in the back. You slide into the front of the car. You prayed that this is the right way in life.

Part 2 if it's wanted

Billie Eilish ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang