Fucking Lizard

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 I stuck my tongue out in concentration as I drew flames on my shoe. "Y/N come look at these shoes they're fire right?" I held up the pair of shoes I was 'designing' I'm just drawing on them with a sharpie. "Y/N! Pay attention to me!"She hummed not looking up from her phone, I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Bro can you put your phone down for like two seconds. What are you doing anyway." Y/N smiled, "I'm texting Cyrus remember after your show yesterday he asked for my number? Not gonna lie I'm tryna fuck." I scrunched my nose up and gagged. "I know we're bestfriends but ew." She flicked me off and laughed, " Anyway what was your annoying ass trying to show me?" I quickly lifted up the pair of shoes I was designing and showed them off to her. "Wow they're so cool Bil." Y/N said in a sarcastic tone. I placed my hand on my heart pretending to be hurt. "Wow I feel the love Y/N." I was caught off guard when she walked over to me and sat on my lap. I almost dropped the shoes and the sharpie when she sat down. "What do you want Y/N?" I was still kinda butt hurt because of what she said even though it was a joke. "You." Y/N whispered in my ear, she lightly nibbled on it as she pulled away. Um I am confusion wasn't she just drooling over this Cyrus dude. I sat there speechless for a few seconds before I noticed the sharpie and my shoes were gone. I looked down to see Y/N holding them in her hands. I was about to shit myself when I noticed the huge dick drawing on my shoes. Did this bitch really ruin my whole design. "Y/N fuck you you fuckin lizard!" She quickly jumped up and ran to the door. "Sure when and where babe." I threw the shoe at her before she opened the door and left. Fuck man those shoes were gonna be fire too.

Yoooooooooooooooo do people even read this 'book' 😂💀 The only good thing to come out of this book are the gifs 😂

Also name pt.2 will be out tomorrow or saturday  

Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now