Coming Out

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Y/N pov

  Today is the day that I'm doing it. I've been avoiding this for awhile but I can't hold this in any longer. I'm going to tell Billie, my bestfriend that I'm gay. I hope she'll accept me but I really don't know. I know this may sound weird but she's the reason why I'm gay. I mean have you seen her? Everything about her is so captivating to me. Her laugh, the way she licks her soft plump lips, and her piercing blue eyes. I just want her all to myself.

 "You can do this Y/N." I rolled my shoulders and jumped slightly. I'm standing in front of Billie's front door. I have my fist ready to knock on the door but I just can't do it. I was about to walk away and give up when the door swung open. There stood Billie in a big shirt and some sweats. "The fuck are you doing Y/N you've been standing here for like 10 minutes staring at the door." Billie grabbed my hand and led me to her room, she never let go of my hand as we walked up the stairs. I could see a dark red glow coming from her room as we got closer. When we finally reached her room she slammed the door shut and jumped on her bed. "So, what's up dickhead?" I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed. "Um I have to tell you something Bil." I rubbed the back of my neck and took a deep breath. Her expression changed to a serious one when she heard my tone. "What's up babe?" I tried my hardest to not blush at the pet name. "Uh Billie I-I'm gay." I closed my eyes and waited for her response. "And? Y/N we been knew, you're terrible at hiding it. I love you but it's true." I laughed and sighed. I don't know why I was so nervous she's my bestfriend. "But Y/N I have to tell you something too." I quickly looked up at Billie when she said that. "I-I like you, I have for awhile now but I finally feel comfortable to  admit it because now I know I might have a chance." I looked at her dumbfounded, no way she likes me. "Really Bil?" She nodded her head in response, "I like you too, I always have." Billie looked up at me confused, but she quickly smiled. "Kiss me Billie." I could already see her staring at my lips so what are we waiting for? She bit her lip and cupped my cheek. I closed the space between us, capturing her lips into a slow kiss. The kiss lasted for awhile before I pulled away. Billie ran her thumb along my swollen lips before she pecked them one more time. "I'm glad I can finally call you mine." I bit my lip and smiled hard, my dream girl is finally my girl.



Billie Eilish ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now