chapter #42

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This chapter may contain some scenes  ( smuts ) that some of the readers may find uncomfortable or disgusting, I'm asking you friendly to stop reading this chapter/book if you're gonna hate on it. Thank you! :)

But yeah! Hot shit happens, sometimes, maybe too much... :)

I woke up because of a huge headache. I went to my bathroom to search for a paracetamol pill but couldn't find one. I realized I ran out of paracetamol pills the previous week.

"FUCK!" I whispered loudly. I was also on my period, god damnit! I did my thing on the toilet, I flushed the toilet pulled my pants up and washed my hands. I walked to the kitchen downstairs and grabbed a little towel. I made it wet with cold water and put it on my forehead to lighten up the pain.

It became easier but when I went upstairs I felt lightheaded. I layed on my bed and shut my eyes for a bit. It turned out I fell asleep again. I woke up to Jimin waking me up. "Y/n, it's 7 am, come on, let's go!" he said smiling while I woke up and sat straight up. I looked at the time and sighed.

I washed my face and dressed up. I had black jeans on because of the period. I prepared my backpack realizing I did my homework drunk yesterday. I chuckled at myself and put the homework sheets in my bag anyways. I ate an apple and then we went towards the bus stop.

-Time Gap-

After my second class, I got called in the guidance counselor's office. I didn't understand why but had a little idea. My grades were pretty low in the past 3 weeks and I've been so absent. I walked to her office and knocked on the door. "You wanted to see me, miss. Monroe?" I asked and smiled while she beckoned and stood up. She gave me her hand and I shook it, I sat down on the chair and listened to her.

"I think you have an idea why I called you in, don't you?" she asked looking at some papers. I nodded slowly and began speaking. "I think it's because of my grades and my absence" I said honestly. "You guessed it right, it is about that, but first tell me why are you so absent lately?" she asked me looking into my eyes. "Uhm, I was sick and I had a huge headache for example" I said completely lying to her. I just didn't feel like going to school or I skipped classes because of my mood or feelings.

"Okay, and what can you do for your grades to push them a little up?" she asked her next question looking at some papers again. I shrugged and waited for her to answer her own question. "What about you start coming nonstop to school, and then begin paying attention to the classes? I heard from your teachers that you have only drawn in your notebooks, and when they ask you a question you either don't know the answer or you don't even bother looking them in the eyes" she said putting her glasses away.

I don't even remember teachers asking me questions. "Uhm..." "Y/n, listen okay? You've got a high level at this school, you can be whatever you want as in a profession, but you have to work a little harder, just a little more and then you can go study for your profession" she said explaining to me. I nodded and decided to really take the advice and do something about my grades.

I thanked her and she smiled at me. "My door's always open" she said with a smile after all and I nodded closing the door behind me. I walked to the cafeteria. We had a bigger break now. It was 30 minutes so I bought a latte macchiato and walked to Hobi's table. I sat next to Hobi. Hobi smiled at me and JoonMin just continued talking about absolute bullshit. I felt Hobi grabbing my tight and I almost choked on my coffee.

I looked down at my tight and smiled at him. He squeezed it a little making me groan softly. "Y/n, did you do that?" Jimin asked me. I nodded and said: "it tasted weird for a bit" pointing at my coffee. I chuckled and looked at Hobi. He was smiling at his phone and looked me in the eyes for a second.

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