chapter #4

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It was Saturday, Hoseok and I made plans to go out and have fun today so I woke up early. I dressed up like I was going to school. (Hereunder)

I was almost ready when the doorbell rang

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I was almost ready when the doorbell rang. I thought that it was Hoseok, but I had it wrong. It was Yoongi. He looked at me with a nasty smirk on his face. "What do you want?" I said with an irritated tone.

"I wanna have fun" he said while entering my apartment and shutting the door behind him. I stepped back.

He pinned me to the wall and said: "You're talking wrong to daddy? Then daddy will need to punish you" he whispered while brushing his lip against my ear. I pushed him away and slapped his cheek, "You f*cking asshole!" I yelled while holding back my tears.

I grabbed my phone and run away. Far away from him. With tears in my eyes, I ran as fast as I could to Hoseok's house.

When I rang at the door, he immediately opened the door and I fell around his neck. He brought me in and shut the door behind us. "What happened?" He said while cupping my face. "Y-yoongi-" I said, struggling to talk. He hugged me for comfort.

We sat down on the sofa and Hoseok waited for me to tell him everything. "Begin when you're ready" he said. "Uhmm..." I began crying again. While the tears ran down my cheeks I told him what happened.

Yoongi's POV:
I stared at her ass when she ran through that door. 'I will f*ck her, one day' I thought. I stood up and walked out shutting the door behind me.

Y/n's POV
Hoseok got so angry he stood up, left me behind at his house, and went to my apartment. "It's fine" I said, but he didn't listen and continued walking. I hope he doesn't get hurt.

Hoseok's POV
I went to y/n's apartment and saw him by the stairs. "You little brat!" I yelled while turning Yoongi in my direction. "What the f*ck did you do?" I asked angrily while punching him in the face. He didn't take that so he pushed me away and punched me in my face.

"Hey hey hey! Guys stop what the f*ck!" Namjoon came in. "He tried to rape y/n" I said while trying to grab him by his neck. "She wanted it!" He said with a bloody nose and a smirk. "Yoongi, you go home and Hoseok you go to y/n" Namjoon said while trying to pull Yoongi with him. "This isn't over" Yoongi said with a deadly look on his face.

I went back home, but if I see Yoongi one more time I swear to god I'll torture him!

Y/n's POV
Hoseok came with a bloody lip home. "What did you do?" I asked with a worried face. "Nothing" he said with an angry expression.

"Does it hurt?" I asked while wiping off all of the blood and seeing Hoseok's torn open lip. I looked worried into his eyes. "I'm fine" he said while trying not to show any kind of pain. "It's pretty deep, are you sure?" I asked one more time. "Yes y/n I'm fine" he said.

"Okay then, you're done" I said while looking him into his eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked while staring at me. "I'm better now" I said staring at my shoes.

"Do you wanna go to your apartment? To grab some clothes and come back to spend the night here?" Hoseok asked. "Yes, but you need to come with me" I said with a sad face. "Yes, of course" he said with a cute little smile, before hugging me tightly.

-Time Gap-

When we arrived at my apartment, Yoongi was gone and my door was closed. I opened the door and we got in. I grabbed my backpack and some clothes. I put the clothes in my backpack and looked around to see if there was anything I forgot to put it.

We were at Hoseok's house and went to the guest room. I made myself comfortable (like putting my backpack on the ground and go sit on the bed) while Hoseok just stared at me with a weird but cute spark in his eyes. I smiled shyly.

"What?" He asked still staring at me. "Nothing, you're just cute" I said while making eye contact with him. We stared at each other for like 2 minutes and then I leaned towards Hobi.

He looked at my lips while biting his. He came closer to me and grabbed my cheek softly. He leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back and I realized something. I wasn't in love with Tae. I love Hoseok! I broke the kiss while catching some air. He looked at me nervously. I smiled shyly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kiss you" he said while standing up. "No it's okay, it's fine" I said while blushing.

He left the room and I stared at the ceiling. "How did that happen?" I whispered at myself. "Was I really in love with Hobi? Or was it just the kiss? Did he like it? Is he in love with me?" I whispered to myself again. I bit my underlip while thinking about the hot kiss.

-Time Gap-

"Omg! I'm so sorry, I totally forgot!" I said to Jimin on the phone. "I can make it up to you! I'm at Hobi's,come over" I said to Jimin while making eye contact with Hoseok, asking for permission. He nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, okay i'm coming over" Jimin said right before hanging up the phone.

"Jimin is coming" I said while seating myself next to Hobi. He just nodded his head, making me look at him. I couldn't stop looking at him. He was so cute and hot at the same time.

I saw him wanting to turn his head so I looked shy at my shoes. I could feel my heart beating like crazy and my body temperature rising. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest.

I cleared my throat and stood up to get some water. When I drank water I looked at Hobi. He was staring at the TV.

-Time Gap-

The doorbell rang and Hoseok stood up to open the door. "What's up ChimChim!" Hoseok said while letting Jimin in. "I brought a game" he said while wiggling his eyebrows. I giggled and watched him seat himself on the sofa. "What are we going to do?" Jimin asked.

"Why don't you start, Y/n? Tell him!" Hoseok asked while looking at me. "W- what?" I asked nervously. "You choose, what are we going to do first?" He asked me while pointing at the game. "Ooh" I said relieved, "uhm, let's begin with the game then" I said while seating myself down on the sofa, right next to Hoseok.

"Roll the dice ChimChim," Hobi said while Jimin grabbed the dice and rolled it. "Six!" He said happily. He moved his pawn six places ahead. "Pick a card" I said. Jimin picked a card and read it out loud.

"Dare, play rock-paper-scissors with the person on your right, whoever wins can give the other a challenge. Owh shit" Jimin said while looking at me. I giggled. "Let's do this" I said with a challenging face. We played, and I lost. "The dare is....*making drumroll sounds with his hands*... Take a shot of some whiskey!!" Jimin said with a smile on his face.

I sighed and went to the kitchen to look for some whiskey. I grabbed the first bottle I saw, a shot-glass, and poured a little bit of whiskey in the glass. I swallowed all of it in one shot and made a sour face. Hobi widened his eyes and laughed. Jimin just sat there with an 'omg-she-actually-did-it' face.

I smiled while seating myself right next to Hobi.

-Time Gap-

We watched a full k-drama and ate a lot of snacks. Hoseok and I just argued while watching the k-drama and Jimin just ate and ate.

I was already tired so I stood up and said that I was going to sleep. They both nodded their heads and watched me go upstairs. I put on my pajamas and went on my phone.

Minutes after I went on Twitter, someone knocked on the door. "Come in" I said while putting my phone away and sitting straight on the bed. "Hey, how are you?" Hoseok asked nicely. "I'm fine, thank you" I said with a smile. "Want a hug?" He asked with his arms reaching out to me. "Sure" I said while giving him a tight hug. "I love you" I whispered but he didn't hear it.

He broke the hug and blew kisses to me for goodnight. I smiled and caught the kisses. He smiled back and left the room.

It was already 2 in the morning so I decided to go to sleep.

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