chapter #30

8 3 7

Today's schedule

Free time/prepare time


I woke up alone in my bed. Hobi was in the living room and I stood up. When I wanted to go to the bathroom Hobi came in. "AAAAHHH!" he yelled laughing. "What-" he hugged me and we fell on the bed. "Why?" I asked smiling while playing with his hair.

"Because I love you" he said. "I love you more" I said. He looked at me and shook his head. "No, that's impossible! I love you the most!" he said laying on my tummy. "I love you infinite!" I said challenging him. "I love you more than infinite" he said looking at me.

"Okay, fine you win!" I said smiling and he smiled back. "Can I go to the bathroom now?" I asked and he got off of me.

-Time Gap-

After breakfast, we had time to prepare our suitcases. We went to our room. Hobi and I packed everything in and brought our suitcases to the living room. I sat on the couch and Hobi came sitting next to me.

I felt his look on my side. He grabbed my hand making me look at him. He squeezed my hand 5 times. I looked confused. "Why 5 times?" I asked. "Because it stands for 'I love you' " he said smiling. He leaned in on me and in the next second we were making out. I felt his hand sliding to my waist.

He rubbed my waist gently and I played with his hair. "Hey, guys- OH MA GAWD! GUYS! BLESS MY EYES, SHIT!" I heard Jimin saying while covering his eyes. We broke the kiss and looked at him. "Well, guess you're together!" Namjoon said smiling. He seated himself next to Hobi and punched him in the arm. Jimin came next to me and looked at me. "You like him! Go for it!" Jimin whispered into my ear. I shook my head and blushed.

"Hey, HOBI!-" Jimin said. I covered his mouth with my hand and smiled at Hobi. "Nothing" I said. I turned around to Jimin when I felt his tongue on my palm. "Jimin! The fuck?" I laughed and wiped my hand. "Hihihi" Jimin laughed.

-Time Gap-

"Could I have a toast?" I asked the waitress, she nodded and turned to Jimin and the others. "I want the same" Hobi said and smiled at me. "I want 4 pancakes please!" Jimin ordered for him and Namjoon. "Oh, I don't anything" Namjoon said.

"So, did you guys do anything spicy yet?" I asked Jimin smiling. "Sis, you don't ask such things!" Jimin said and Namjoon smiled shyly while looking away. I saw Jimin's cheeks turn red so I giggled. "So you did!" I said underneath my breath. I chuckled to myself and our lunch came.

"I want 4 kids" I said suddenly while the others ate. "Sure, I can take 4 kids" Hobi said not looking up from his plate. "So you want us to have kids together?" I asked shocked but curious at the same time. "Yea, I mean why not?" Hobi looked up from his plate to me. I looked shyly away and he touched my leg from underneath the table.

I was done with my toast and waited for the others. "So, what are we gonna do when we're back?" I asked everyone, but no one could answer because mrs. Brookes came into the restaurant and asked for everyone's attention.

"Listen everybody! You to Carl, stop eating your pasta!" everyone chuckled. "Okay, so as you guys know, we're leaving today. You don't need to go to school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. That means that you now have 4 days off. We're going towards school at 5 pm, get ready before that! You can go home after we arrive at the school" she said and wished everyone a delicious meal.

After lunch, we went to our dorm and grabbed our suitcases. We gave them to the teachers that put it on the bus and we went back. "Do you really want 4 kids?" I asked Hobi when we walked back. I stared at my shoes when I asked that.

"Yes, Y/n. I want you as my wife!" he said chuckling. I chuckled a little and held his hand. I squeezed it twice for our code and smiled at him.

-Time Gap-

It was 4.38 pm and we were not even ready. "Come on, Hobi!" I said stressed. Hobi was in our room and looked around if he forgot something. "I'm looking faster!" he said laughing.

"Hobi, come on stop looking around, and come!" I said frustrated. He looked in the bathroom and came to the living room. He checked and then we went down to the bus with our jackets. I decided not to have a backpack on the bus. Only my phone, earphones and a power bank. Hobi had his phone, a power bank and a candy bar for us two. "Just one for us both?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled. I took a bite and then Hobi took one. After a few minutes, the candy bar was finished. There was a little chocolate on Hobi's mouth corner. I chuckled and wiped Hobi's mouth. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

After a few minutes of listening to music, I leaned on Hobi's shoulder and felt my eyelids becoming heavy. Hobi wrapped his arm around me and I slowly fell asleep.

-Time Gap-

Hobi woke me up. I sat straight up and yawned with my mouth closed. "We're at the airport" Hobi said to me while he stood up. "Okay, you know the rules, wait for your turn and be respectful" mrs. Mccain said and we got off the bus. It was freezing and I shivered.

"Wanna hug?" Hobi asked me with a smile. I nodded and he hugged me. He was warm and I felt safe with him hugging me.

I prayed not to fly with the same flight attendant, but no matter how much I prayed, she was still there, with unbuttoned buttons. I gave her a nasty look and she just stood there.

"You sit next to the window" I said. "Oh, okay!" Hobi said holding my hand. We sat roughly in the middle of the plane.

I saw her coming so I held Hobi's hand. "Hi, do you want something to drink?" she asked looking at Hobi showing her chest split again. I squeezed Hobi's hand and didn't let go. She saw us holding hands and frowned her eyebrows.

"No thank you" Hobi said with a poker face. "Okay!" she said smiling not even looking at me. I gave her a nasty look from behind and grabbed my phone while still holding hands with Hobi.

"Why did you squeeze my hand?" Hobi asked after a while. "Oh, uhm- because.. I Love You!" I said nervously. "I love you more" he said beginning the 'i-love-you-more' fight. "I'm not fighting with you..." I said pausing for a dramatic pause. "...because I know I love you the most" I smiled at my shoes and felt Hobi's hand sliding away.

I looked at him with a confused but baby looking face. "Wha-whaii?" I asked in a baby tone. I pulled his hand back and held it tighter. Once he pulled his hand back, I let him go and turned around. JoonMin sat next to us so I looked towards them.

"No, bibii!" Hobi said making me smile. I tried ignoring him but his baby tone was too cute for me to handle. I turned around and looked at him. He was close to me and he looked me in the eyes. "Hold my hand or I'm gonna punish you!" he said with a smirk and a deep voice. I smirked too. "Maybe I wanna be punished" I said talking dirty to him.

"Owh? So my baby girl wants to get punished?" he whispered in my ear. I shivered and bit my lip while looking at my lap. Hobi smiled and put his hand on my tight. He squeezed it gently.

I went on my phone and listened to music while making an edit. I turned towards Hobi to show him the edit, but he had fallen asleep. He was sooo cute while sleeping.

I let it go and smiled. I turned to the other side. JoonMin was asleep too. After all, I watched a Korean drama alone and almost cried because of the perfect love story.

-Time Gap-

We were at the airport in LA again. We were walking with our suitcases. Hobi went home and JoonMin walked with me. "That was fun!" Jimin said. I nodded. "Okay, why is it so awkward?" Jimin asked after a while.

"It's not! We're just too tired to speak" I said honestly. Namjoon was very quiet all of a sudden. We walked towards the flat where we lived in and said goodbye to Namjoon.

I didn't even pack out my suitcase. I just went straight to bed and fell asleep.

It Started With A Hug. {Eng}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora