Chapter #1

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"Y/N!!!!" Jimin shouted from across the hallway of our school. "Can we go outside for a while? I need to talk to you!" he said while we made our way out to the exit.

We were outside, at first it was silent. "I need to tell you something" he began.

"Y/N!" Suddenly someone shouted. I turned my head and saw Hoseok! My childhood best friend! "OMG HOSEOK!" we hugged each other tightly.

"How are you?" he asked. "I'm great, what about you? When did you move here?" I asked. "I moved here quite a while ago, what about you?" he asked with a questionnaire face. "I just moved here this is my second week on this school" I said while I sat down, next to Jimin.

"What wanted you to tell me Jimin?" "Owh, nevermind it can wait." He said with a smile on his face. I could see it was a fake one but I just smiled back.

"Hoseok, this is Jimin. Jimin, this is Hoseok." I introduced them to each other. "Hey, nice to meet you" Jimin said while he nodded his head. Hoseok nodded his head too while shaking Jimin's hand.
"Should we go inside?" I asked. They both nodded their head in agreement.

-Time gap-

I grabbed my books from my locker and then I saw him. Taehyung. I stared at him for like 5 seconds. He turned his head and I immediately turned my head causing me to hit my head, I stroke my forehead in pain.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked. I stared into his deep brown eyes and stammered "y-yes i-i'm fine"I said. "With you by my side, I'm always fine" I said so softly that he couldn't hear it. He turned his head back to his locker and grabbed his books while I stared at his back. When he turned around, I grabbed my books and made my way out to the classroom.

I saw Jimin and Hoseok already sitting next to each other so I sat behind them. "What are we talking about?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Owh nothing we're-" "we're just talking about the new film we want to watch" Jimin interrupted Hoseok.
I giggled because of the face Hoseok made. (Hereunder)

"Is there something funny about mule-free changes Mrs

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"Is there something funny about mule-free changes Mrs. Y/N?" Mr. Brookes asked me. "No mr. Brookes." I said politely. "I want you to pay attention because this theme is going to be in the exam of the- blablabla" I didn't hear the last words because I just saw the love of my life. Taehyung just came into the classroom. "Sorry, mr. Brookes, a teacher I had before your class wanted me to help her." He said with a little sticky note in his hand. "Okay, just sit down and pay attention." Mr. Brookes said while he read the note and continued his lesson. I didn't really pay attention to the lesson.' I'll just ask Hobi for his notes' I thought.

After the lesson, I asked Hoseok if I could overwrite his notes. He agreed and gave me his notes. When I was done Hoseok recommended to go buy some coffee and talk. I agreed and we went to Blackwood and talked about our childhood and our memories together.

-Time Gap-

We were done with our coffees and we went to my apartment. I lived alone because my parents needed to move to Seoul in South Korea, for their work. It didn't really make any difference, because when I lived with my parents they were most of the time out or at work.

We sat down on the sofa. "What should we do?" I asked with the remote in my hand, switching to Netflix. "Maybe we could watch a movie" Hoseok recommended with a sarcastic but funny smile on his face.

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