chapter #32

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I woke up next to Hobi. He was waking up too and smiled at me sleepy-headed. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I did my thing on the toilet and washed my hands.

I went back and saw Hobi shirtless sitting on my bed. "What are we gonna do today?" I asked. "What about, we go on a little shopping?" Hobi smiled at me. I smiled back and nodded excitedly.

We dressed up and we went downstairs. Jimin was in the kitchen. He was cooking something. "Noodle timmmmeeee!" Hobi yelled when he saw Jimin cooking noodles. Jimin laughed and made Hobi's plate ready. Namjoon came downstairs and kissed Jimin on the cheek. I smiled and helped with the plates.

We sat on the dining table and ate our noodles. "Hobi suggested to go out for a little shopping" I said while standing up and bringing my plate to the sink. "Yea, sure!" Namjoon said.

Hoseok's POV
Y/n told JoonMin about my plan to go shopping, I actually hoped that only she and I could go but they already agreed so I didn't say anything.

Y/n's POV
I went to my room and Jimin to his. We got ready while Hobi and Namjoon waited for us in the living room...

Hoseok's POV
"Hey, Namjoon, uhm I like this girl...I want to ask her out, how do I do that?"  I asked nervously. "Owh, and who is she?" Namjoon asked me smirking. "Owh, uhm.. it's, uhh, Y/n" I said looking shyly away. "Oh, bro! No! You serious? That's soo cute!" he said with a smile showing his dimples. "What? Why is it cute? I'm super nervous!" I asked.

"Oh, uh nevermind! So you dropped hints right?" he asked changing the subject. "Yes, but how do you know that?" I asked curiously. "Owh, ah, Yoongi told me" he said. "So, begin going a little further, you're gonna do things for and to her. Maybe like, buy her chocolate when she's on her period or some shit, be freaky sometimes and most importantly, hold her hand in public, girls love that shit" Namjoon said. "Owh, and then? Do I then confess my feelings? But wait, how the fuck do YOU know about this stuff? You're!" I asked laughing.

"I may be gay, but I've dated girls before, but you confess everything when you're ready okay? Don't rush, don't do it when you're not sure if it's the right time" he said while Jimin and Y/n came downstairs.

Y/n's POV
"....don't do it when you're not sure if it's the right time" I heard Namjoon saying. "Do what?" I asked while Jimin followed me downstairs.

"Oh, Y/n! Uh, nothing we just talked about a game" Hobi said. "Namjoon explained to me how and when to attack" he said smiling. I smiled back and shook it off. "Okay, let's go now" I said putting my shoes on. We went to the city, there were a lot of stores to go in.

We went to the boba shop and then to the gaming hall. We played a lot of games and I won most of it. "Hey, I'm going to Bershka, someone coming?" I asked the guys. "I'm coming!" Hobi said. I think Jimin wanted to come too, but I saw Namjoon pulling him back.

I ignored it and we went to Bershka. I saw a fun bucket hat and showed it to Hobi. "It really suits you!" Hobi said while I tried it on. "You think so?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror. "Yea, everything suits you!" Hobi said making me smile.

He winked at me and I bought the bucket hat and a silver chain. I didn't like the rest of the stuff in the store.

We went out and I got a text from Jimin.

We're gonna be late, don't wait for us!

Alright! We're going to one more shop and then home!


"Let's go one more time to the boba shop and then home, huh?" I suggested. "Okay!" Hobi said grabbing my free hand and holding it. I smiled and we walked towards YoYo.

We went to a playground before we drank up our boba. We played like children and in the end, Hobi swung me on the swing.

We were done with it so we went home. We walked hand in hand and talked about what we would do tomorrow. "Let's just hang out or something" Hobi suggested. I nodded and smiled.

-Time Gap-

We were in the hall, in front of my apartment. I opened the door and we saw JoonMin sleeping on the couch. They were cuddling and watching a K-Drama since it was still on.

I turned the TV off and we went upstairs. We watched a movie too and then played Overwatch. "I'm hungwy" I said on a baby tone. "Awh, come downstairs we'll wake up JoonMin and make dinner for all of us" Hobi said standing up and reaching for my hand.

I gave him my hand and we went downstairs. JoonMin was already awake and I smiled. "Goodmorning!" I said sarcastically. Jimin chuckled and stretched out. Namjoon yawned and went to the bathroom. "Uhm, I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna make dinner. What do you guys want?" Hobi asked walking into the kitchen.

"Let's make rice, chicken wings, and dumplings!" I said. Hobi nodded and beckoned to me. I went to help him and JoonMin came later to help. "Over maybe 20 minutes is the rice done, we're gonna let it sit for another 20 minutes, then we're gonna steam the dumplings and the chicken wings are gonna bake in the oven" Hobi said explaining.

I nodded and then sat on the couch while the rice was cooking. I watched Hobi looking at his watch every 5 minutes. "Hobi, you don't need to watch it every 5 minutes, babe" the last part slipped out, but I didn't regret it. Hobi looked at me with a smile, and I smiled back.

The rice was done and Hobi let it sit on the counter while he let the dumplings steam and the chicken wings bake. "Okay, now waiting a half-hour" Hobi said, seating himself on the couch. JoonMin was playing a game on the ground. They gave up on cooking after the first hour.

Dinner was ready and we all sat on the dining table. "Damn, Hobi where did you learn to cook so good?" Jimin asked while shoving more food into his mouth. "Uhm, I actually don't know" Hobi said eating.

We were done with dinner and we watched a horror movie together. I was scared but didn't dare to say it or to cover my eyes. I grabbed Hobi's hand and he looked at me. I looked back and smiled. He tightened his grip on my hand and didn't want to let go.

We held hands until the movie was over. Even then, we didn't let go of our hands. JoonMin went to Jimin's room and Hobi decided to stay over for the night.

Hobi and I went to my room and changed to pajamas, actually, only I changed. Hobi slept with his sweatpants but shirtless. He layed next to me while I layed on the right side of the bed. Hobi cuddled me from behind, being the big spoon. I liked his hand on my waist, I liked that feeling. I like HIM!

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