Make Sense

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I closed the door of the apartment and went down and along with me is a gym bag full of Nayeon's necessity.

I always thought of Nayeon being like this but this is too much. It's insulting in my part that I never doubted my feelings towards her but here she is... Thinking twice of everything I do.


I was taken aback when I heard her voice.

I look upfront and saw her leaning on my car. Her face is plain but a hint of sadness can be seen.

"Hun, I'm sorry." she approached me but she's holding herself a bit from doing so.

"I told you to go to Momo's house right? Why did you followed me here?"

"Eve is already drunk there. You want me to stay with her?"

Of course No!! Eve is such a slut when she's drunk.

"No. Go on, drive the car. I'll ride Eve's motorcycle back there."

I fixed the gym bag properly and ride on the bike. When I turned to look at her, she's just staring at me and clenching her fist.

I didn't minded her and just wore my helmet on.

"Jeongyeon!!!" she screeched and grabbed for my arm.

"Im Nayeon!! I will be out of balance! Don't pull me!" I stood up and had my feet support me because she attacked me and I almost fell down.

"Get down there. I need to get something at the apartment. Help me out." she let go of me and turned to walk towards the elevator in the basement.

"Get what?! I already have everything you need here! I'm going now!"

She stopped walking and slowly turn around to me with a scary mad face plastered on.

"Fine. Go ahead. I'll follow." I said in defeat and went off of the bike and followed her.

"Good. Faster."

- - -

"Now what? Gather everything you need so that we can go back immediately. I still need to help them prepare." I murmured while leaning on the door waiting for her to collect anything. But she's sitting still on the bed and looking at me.

"Jeong, tell me honestly."


"How many btches did you fckd?"

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. What the?

"Now that's over the line. What the hell are you talking about Im Nayeon?! Do you even hear yourself?!"

This is ridiculous! Where did she even heard that!?

"Tell me!!"

"Of course I hadn't! Why would I?!"

I walked up to her when I saw tears forming on her eyes.

"Really?! I fcking saw photos of you and some random sluts at the bar!! Making the hell out! For God's-!!*starts to punch me*

Deep sigh to calm my senses.

I caught her hands and kissed them.


"Fck you asshole."

"Stop. What do you want me to do?"

I hugged her tight to prevent her from punching me.

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