Never forget

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Although I don't have the guts to get up from the bed, I forced myself to do so to prepare some breakfast for Jeongyeon.

I'm so glad that she didn't get sick and her body temperature is normal.

It's only 4 am when I started to prepare some breakfast and also some packed lunch because I'm not so sure if I can go to their site later to bring them some food. Mina gave me some follow up prints to design. And I would prefer to do it here rather than getting it done when many people are around. I am easily distracted by it, and I can barely focus on my project.

Anyways, I need to get this breakfast cooked before she wakes up. Just for this atleast, I can do something for her. Hehe

I took some filleted fish, eggs, spring onions, loaf , milk and some potatoes.
Toast bread and some mashed potatoes this morning and fish fillet with fries on the side and some boiled eggs for her packed lunch. Chae and Mina, I'm sure they will prepare for their lunch later since they went hungry yesterday because they didn't bring some.

Chitchats done pips. In a moment. :)

*Starts preparing the rice down to marinating the fish and cooking the toast.*

Jeongyeon's Pov


My neck is still aching but, this is much better than yesterday. Thanks to my beloved... Wait.

It's only quarter to five, is she awake already?

I went out of our room since when I checked the bathroom and no sign of Nayeon. So I went to kitchen instead, viola! She's wiping away her sweat from her forhead while carefully preparing some packed lunch. Who's lucky? Me, obviously. *evil laugh*

Can't help but smile at her. The last time I remember she almost burned my apartment down when we were college. Now, she's preparing me food without even hurting herself.

"Love. Good morning." I whispered as I wrapped my arms on her waist, that made her jump a bit.

"Good morning."

She held my face and gave a kiss on my cheeks.

"I woke up early today to prepare you some packed lunch so that YOU DON'T NEED TO ACCEPT ANY FOOD OR DRINKS FROM OTHER PEOPLE. AGAIN."

Oh. That's intense.

"What if they insist?"

"Then, don't bother to eat the food I prepared."

"I won't accept their offers."

She smiled so wide that her cheeks are puffing.

"That's good news then. Let's eat some breakfast, so that I can drive you at the site early today."

She placed the foods on the table and took the coffee maker as well.

"Don't bother love. You can rest here, I can drive well now. I promise."

"But I want to." she pouted

How can I say no to this?

"You can come along with me, but I will drive and you'll drive home."

She happily nodded and we started to eat our food that tastes so good.

I gave her my compliments but I end up hurting my shoulder because she unintentionally slapped it. Ugh

- - -

Mina's PoV


The bed is spacious to I tried to call out her name. I tapped the clock on the table to turn off the alarm and slowly gets up from the bed.

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