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They jumped and screamed in unison when they heard Jeongyeon's voice behind them.

SY: Holy craaa-- Yoo Jeongyeon,  we were just cursing you here in secret while you're standing there behind us?  What are you playing?

Jeogyeon just stared at Sungyoon with tears forming in her eyes already.

Momo's PoV

We're not shocked that Jeongyeon came.  We are shocked that she was already there when we were bickering about her.


Jeongyeon just stared at Sungyoon and did not answered her question yet.

We quietly stared at each other as the tension between the two of them are getting higher. 

I became aware of the situation but trusted my instinct that nothing will happen because they were bestfriends.

Suddenly,  Jeongyeon rushed towards Sungyoon while her fist are raised high! 


We panicked and runs towards them but before we even reach those brats they began laughing at our reaction.

MM: Just what the hell?  You two scared us. For God's sake.

CY: I almost wet myself.

TY: No comment,  just dumbass you two.

Sungyoon and Jeongyeon laughed at our reactions.  I'm glad they're okay.  I hope this night will go well.

Jeongyeon's Pov


I'm so scared right now. 

After the prank I and Sungyoon pulled, they began being serious.

Alright,  I'm ready for toasting.  Bring it on.

MM: So,  how is Nayeon?

Kidding.  I'm not ready yet.
Momo being straight forward as always.
It felt like, in no time my tears will fall again. 
But I hold it with all my might.
And answered her question.

JY: I don't really have an idea. After she left,  I never heard anything from her again. 

They all looked pity at me. 
So I glared at them in return.

EV: Jeong,  why don't you try me?  I can love you, you know.

She's telling me those while sincerely looking at my eyes.

I smirked.
JY: Nah,  you're much a player than me.  I don't want to be one of your collections. 

They laughed at Eve who looked so down but then she goes along with the fun. 

We were just drinking whiskey. It's so fine.  It's been a long time since I felt this heat inside of me.


We said all together.

We looked at each other and again burst in laughter.
The aura is good,  so I think this is the right time to open my issue.

JY: guys,  you know. 

TY: We don't.

I squint my eyes to Tzuyu.

TY: Please do continue.

JY: alright,  so can you all come closer to me?  I think I might breakdown while I'm telling you this.

They all followed what I said and we are now so close to one another.

JY: First,  Momo thanks for the whiskey.  It gave me the courage to open this up.  Second,  thank you for giving me a chance. For the second time. 

I'm already crying my eyes out.  Maybe because I'm already tipsy and it is really painful for me to keep it.

So, I continued

JY: I invested alot of time to Nayeon without considering all of you.  But,  sorry.  I don't want to say that I wasted my time with Nayeon because I didn't. All of the moments we shared, are all worth it.

CH: unnie,  please don't cry. We were always here for you.  We didn't felt abandoned or what.  We just gave you and Nayeon space.  Because we thought it is what you want. 

JY: Thank you,  cub.  You know I love you,  but let me finish.

I let out a chuckle and they are still seriously looking at me.

JY: I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.
You all warned me but still I didn't listen.  Maybe because,  I trusted her too much to the extent that I am putting all my dreams with hers. I didn't think of what will happen to me, to us and to you guys. I love Nayeon so much.  Until now.  I'm sorry. Every day,  every night, minute and hours pass but Nayeon didn't escaped my mind.  I do always think of her. 

They still are looking at me.

JY: you can scold me now.  Let your anger out and devour me.

I looked down while tracing the rip in my pants.

Then I heard couple of sniffs.

I looked up at them,  and Tzuyu was the only one who's teary eyed and tge rest are crying.

JY: guys,  oh my God.  Please don't cry in front of me.

MM: We miss our Jeongyeon.

They all nod and they stood up to give me a hug.

I was stoned. Why am I so lucky to have them? 

I cried hard. So hard that I passed out.

MM: jeongyeeeeooon'!!!

That was the last voice I heard and I totally blacked out.

Chaeyoung's PoV

She. She passed out. I don't know how to deal with this situation. 
I almost felt like I might pass out too but before I do--

TY: don't you dare, Chaeyoung.  I won't carry you inside if you'll pass out. 

I suddenly felt okay.  Damn this yoda.

She laughed at my reaction and she helped Momo and Sungyoon carry Jeongyeon inside the house.

MM: Chae, since you're good.  Clean the mess and bring the remaining foods and beverages inside. 

I growled.

MM: Come again?

But it seems,  Momo heard it.

CY: Nooooothiiing.

MM: Good

I obeyed her.  Ofcourse,  I don't want to sleep here outside later if I don't clean this mess.

Good thing no one puked.
While I do the cleaning,  I saw something shined in the bermuda.  It couldn't be just a stone or something. 

So,  I came to pick it up. 

CY: Oh my God.  Isn't this their engagement ring?

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