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It was like a switch, when Jack Frost read his name in silvery ink on that note it was like waking up from a dream. His suit and shoes where stifling and the sensations were totally different. He had all the memories of Jack Wintercrest and Jack Frost. But he was Jack Frost the spirit of winter, he had died near the sun in a time that wasn't his own and now he was in a universe that wasn't his with an Elsa who wasn't the one that he loved. Everything was wrong but somehow this TL guy knew something, maybe this was his fault and maybe he could help him change it. But first he would have to find him, Jack scanned the distance and saw another moonlit note off in the distance beyond the wall.

Jack looked at Elsa who looked a little bit frightened.

"Jack what is that?" She asked.

Jack walked toward her and held her hands intimately like he had once held his own Elsa's. "Princess, it's my undying pleasure to have you as a friend, but I must ask you a favor." Jack looked deep into her eyes. "Somebody left this note for me to find, and I must find out who it is. My favor is for you to not tell anyone I left or that I found this note, pretend like you never saw me tonight. This is important and hopefully I will be back before the ball is over."

"Jack what did the note say, what is going on?"

"Elsa this is important, can I trust you?"

"....You can trust me, but when this is over you must tell me what is going on."

"Thank you Elsa," Jack kissed her on the cheek and summoned the wind to carry him away but all it did was blow some breeze through the air. He was going to have to do it the hard way.

Jack stepped away from Elsa and peered over the balcony, he was only one floor off the ground. Jack walked away from the edge for a running start and leaped off the balcony and landed on the ground with a roll.

This body was young and agile but he already missed flying as he hopped the fence and reached the second note. Jack found it written in the same flourish-like hand writing in the silvery ink.

Mr. Frost, we need to talk.

Jack looked around for another note and found it once again illuminated by a ray of moon light. He found this one down an alleyway.

You will be meeting with a few of my associates.

Jack made his way down the alleyway as the night grew ever darker all save for the luminescence around the mysterious notes. He found the next one in a window sill of a shop.

Do not be startled by their appearances.

Jack looked all around but didn't see another note in any direction, the street was dark and quiet. It was too shadowy and too still and suddenly a light caught his eye he turned around and one the ground behind him was another note.

Tell no one, you're safety depends on it.

Tell no one what? That he was really Jack Frost? That he got these notes from TL? That he traveled through time? Just as he was wondering, the note in his hand began to crack and break apart with a silvery light that engulfed it until it was no more. He checked his pocket for the other notes but they were nowhere to be found, they must have broken apart as well.

Jack heard a scuffle of steps behind him and a pair of men threw a potato sack over his head and carried him off.

"Keep it down or we will blast your brains out right here and now." Said one gravelly voice behind the man that had thrown Jack over his shoulder.

After a few minutes journey they carried Jack in through a door and tied him to a chair.

"Well well well, what do we have have here, a noble out after dark all alone. Kid don't you know that you have enemies out here on the other side of you guard dogs." Said one man.

"What is going on here, why did you summon me at this unholy hour?" Came the masculine booming voice of a newcomer as a different door opened and closed.

"We found this noble kid out after dark and we wanted to know what you wanted to do with him." Said the first man with the gravely voice.

"Take that wretched sack off of his head and let me see his face." Said the masculine voice.

The sack was taken off of Jacks face, at first because the dark room was only lit by a couple candles and it was hard to see their faces. There were four men standing in the barren room and one towered above the rest with muscles straining against his shirt. The large one grabbed one of the candles and brought over toward Jack so that he could make out Jacks face. With the candle lighting the face of the large man he could see how strong his features were even in the poor light. He had a strong cleft chin and high cheek bones to compliment the rough contours of his face, the weathered tellings of violence and poverty marred his face.

"White hair..." the large man said with his masculine voice as he looked over Jack carefully. "You are Lord Wintercrest's boy, yes I don't know how I could have missed it." He bellowed with cheer and gave a hardy laugh and at that moment Jack recognized him as a man that often visited his father.

"Who are you, who is TL?" Jack asked.

The man gave another hardy laugh. "TL? I've never heard of such man, my name is Gaston self proclaimed leader of the people's movement. And a friend of your father, you are lucky I came here young Wintercrest." Gaston turned toward the other men in the room. "Release the boy, he means us no ill."

"But Gaston!?"

"That was an order!" Gaston's voice boomed like thunder that shook the men in the room as they scurried into action. "This boy's father is the only noble of their filth that has heard our plea and done anything, even this boy has thrown scraps of food wrapped in napkins to our starving youth." He turned toward Jack as his restraints, "I've seen you do it and for that you have my thanks."

Once Jack was free from their ropes he stood up from his chair only to have Gaston's heavy hand fall on his shoulder and almost knock him back into it.

"You are a brave man Jack Wintercrest, if a tad bit foolish. I've seen many men in you position who broke down in tears before the sack was removed from their face. You unlike the rest have nothing to fear here, you have no enemies in this room. I will give you some friendly words of advice; never travel alone at night you have no friends between my door and your fathers, and between just you and me..." Gaston leaned in uncomfortably close and whispered into Jack's ear. "Find a good excuse to leave France after the other nobles leave, find a pretty foreign princess like the one you were dancing with this evening and follow her home for a few weeks and take your father with you."

Jacks eyes were wide with the implications of Gaston's warning, what was Gaston planning? And what were his connections to his father?

"Tom, Dick, Stanley make sure our young friend here makes it back to his ball safely." Gaston ordered.

The three man obeyed Gaston and opened the door to lead Jack back to the castle.

On the way back to the castle surrounded by the incredibly smelly guards Jack noticed a note off in another alleyway. Without saying a word he slipped out from between them and broke into a sprint. He heard the guards exclaim in outrage and fright as they mentioned their fear of Gaston's reprimands. But Jack had more pressing matters, he grabbed the note and hopped over the large gate at the end of the alley. Without stopping he opened the note.

Keep running! We must meet before the night is over.


Happy New Year everyone!

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