Fury of the Ice, and the Wisdom of Frost

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Jack and Elsa sat in a snow cave across from each other. They sat as far away from each other as possible and watched the blizzard pound at the edges of the cave outside.

"I can't believe you talked me into this," Elsa said morbidly. Her frustration at Jack had mellowed out since she began thinking about home. It had been two days and nothing had changed. She still could not control her powers and she still could not believe this was The Jack Frost. "This is all your fault you know." She said to Jack. "How'd we even end up in this mess?"

"My fault!? Oh no princess, you're not pinning this one on me." Jack stood up, frustrated by her impossible nature. He relived their previous interactions by acting it out and changing his voice higher for Elsa's part of the conversation.

"Hey, Jack, you're not what I'm looking for, but can you help me?" He said as Elsa.

"Sure I have all the time in the world I'm 300 years old and still look as good as ever. Show me what you got."

"Not here, there's too many people and I'm shy."

"Where do you want to go then?"

"If you can fly, let's just go to the north pole."

"Alright let's go."

"You have to carry me... but you can't touch me that would be too easy."


"I know, you can carry me with your staff."

"Stick," Elsa chimed in, Jack gave her a dirty look and ignored it.

"Alright then." Jack said as himself continuing the story. "Here we are, the North pole...ish. Now show me what you got."


"What do you mean no?"

"You have to teach me how to use my powers before I can use them."


"Come on teach me."

"Okaaaay? Do this."


"Then do this..."


"How about this..."


"Grrrrahh! I can't teach you if you won't ever use your power!" Jack broke the flashback and yelled directly at Elsa. "What are you so afraid of?!"

"Nothing!" Elsa yelled back. "I just don't like to hurt people!"

"There is nobody out here to hurt!" Jack and Elsa got closer and closer as they yelled.

"You never take anything seriously! You're such a child!"

"You never relax or have any fun, you're such an old man!"

"Old snowman!"

"Old hag!"

"Frost bitten child!"

"Ice Queen!"

"You have a stupid stick!"

"You have a Frozen heart!"

Jack noticed the storm was coming inside, but then realized it was from Elsa. There was a storm swirling around her of snow and ice, it was undeveloped but it was a start. She was finally using her powers, and what a wonder they were. Jack was getting an idea, but as he was getting an idea, Elsa realized what Jack was noticing.

When Frost meets Ice (Jelsa)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum