Making Choices Part 2

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Emily continued to listen to Mark's story, she had never heard him tell it this way. It was sweet to hear Mark distract Jackson from his problems with the story of how they met.

"Can I get back to my story?" Mark asked.

"Sure." Jackson rolled his eyes.

"It must have been the chocolate that finally stirred the beast. I was a super healthy eater, which meant I always had a snickers bar in my backpack. As soon as I pulled it out, I heard her groan and wake up. She looked around and then at me and asked how long she had slept. When I told her, she screamed at me and asked me for the time while she looked for her things."

Yep that sounds familiar. Emily remembered that day. It was the day that her Ex who had cheated on her, begged to get her back. Except he had cheated on her with two girls, AT THE SAME TIME! One of whom was her best friend at the time. She wasn't ever going to take him back, and she stopped talking to her 'friend'.

That morning before her ex showed up she also got a call from her sister saying that she had set her up with a blind date. She was furious and then her ex showed up and she went off on him. She didn't think that there was a decent man man left on the planet. After kicking her Ex's butt she went up to the top of the library to cry and calm down so that she could call her sister and call off the date.

She turned the corner to her spot on the top floor and as luck would have it there was already someone there. She couldn't hold back her tears and broke down to cry her stress away. She had gotten almost no sleep for the last few months and passed due to sheer exhaustion.

She woke up to the most wonderful smell of her favorite candy bar and found herself in the company of a man who had selflessly watched over her for four hours without taking advantage of her. It was the sweetest thing. He gave her the chocolate bar and talked her down, he even made her laugh, she hadn't laughed in weeks because of the break up. It restored her faith in men enough to go through with blind date that friday, and she was glad she did.

"When I told her the time, she put her stuff back and groaned into my jacket. She then started crying again, apparently she had missed some presentation she needed to go to for class. I told her what had happened after she had passed out, leaving out the minor details about how terrified I was the entire time, and we started talking. Our conversation was a blur after that, I gave her the chocolate bar to make her feel better and made her laugh a little. We ended up talking for the next two hours about how busy we were with life and how stressed we were about school. We exchanged phone numbers when I had to pack up and leave for work."

"Did you call her?"

"I didn't have to. That Friday night, when Eric and I pulled up to the pick up our dates, none other than Ariel, Eric's new girlfriend at the time, and her sister her were waiting for us, Arista 'Airy head' Emilia Triton 'Pencil skirt girl.' After that, we dated and when Erica and Ariel got married, we went to their wedding together."

"That's a great story dad, but you didn't answer my question. How did you know mom was the one?"

Emily held her breath, so that was why they were talking at five in the morning. It must have had something to do with Jackson's date last night.

"That is the golden question son, I didn't, not for a long time anyway. I still get a lot of flak for waiting so long to propose."

Mark looked up the stairs, but Emily was behind the wall where he couldn't see her. "Your mother isn't here so I can tell you this, as long as you don't breathe a word about it." There was a pause where Jackson must have nodded in agreement. "The only other person who knows this is Eric, who I had hours of talks with about what happened."

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