The knight Triumphant?

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Elsa opened her eyes when he touched her, she saw snow melt on the floor around her instead of the icy prison, and a white haired knight in front of her with shimmering arctic halos staring right back at her. She was transfixed, but only a second before she threw herself into the arms of her savior to weep.

Instinctively, Jack held her like when he held the English Princess when the cares of the French revolution had overwhelmed her. He gently ran his fingers through her hair the ways the English Princess liked, and whispered softly in her ear as comforting as he had done many times before. "I'm here, everything is going to be alright, shhh," he hushed. "Breathe deeply. Listen to the beat of my heart and forget your worries. All is well, you are safe."

"Cole what is going on? What is going to happen to me?" Elsa asked through her tears.

"I don't know, but you will be fine as long as you learn how to control it."

"How, how am I going to control this?"

"Don't worry I'll help you."

"But what happened, this room was... what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything you did it all."

"...Cole, how do you know so much, who are you?"

"Listen Elsa there are two roads you can go down at this point: You can run, push away and leave everyone who has ever been close to you and go into hiding from the fear of what people might do when and if they find out about your power, or..."


"You can trust me. Can you keep a secret?"

Elsa simply nodded.

Jack looked back at the door to make sure it was shut. Once he was satisfied, he angled Elsa so that she could see the rest of the room. Jack raised his hand and as if it were following orders the snow rose, and floated in a thin layer above the ground. One by one, butterflies emerged from the layer of snow and fluttered around the room.

Elsa watched, amazed that anything could be so beautiful.

"Now you know my secret, Elsa will you trust me and keep my secret and your own?"

Jack pierced her with an angelic arctic gaze, Elsa was stunned by the masculine beauty of Cole's soft eyes, a sight that she had never really seen before because he had always kept them hidden by his long black hair, but now... now they were perfect frozen pools of light framed by a wintery dusting of soft white hair that swayed from an impossible breeze sweeping the room.

She shook herself out of her trance and brushed away Cole's hands gently. "I- I'm still with Flynn, Cole. He...he is still my boyfriend and he deserves to know why I have been acting so strange."

Cole had finally gotten a good look at Elsa and was finally able to see what Jack had seen in her, the beauty, the grace, and the softest loveliest voice he'd ever heard. When she mentioned Flynn all his hopes shattered and Jack, well Jack once again felt the heavy burden of Eugene's death on his conscience.

"I understand that Elsa, I'm not asking you to run away with me and live in an ice castle at the North Pole," not that the thought hadn't crossed his mind before... but that was a long time ago. "Train with me, I'll show you the techniques I use to control my powers and keep them from getting out of hand." Jack's heart sank with every word. He had been, what's the word... oh "friendzoned" and hard too. What happened to the good old days when knights saved the princess and got the girl? Ironically, even in his own realm that logic didn't work, he didn't 'get the girl'... he died.

"Right now?" Elsa looked at him.

Jack sighed, the good movies always skipped to the next scene right after the guy saves the girl and skips this whole awkward part of dealing with the problem at hand. And they live happily ever after, and she doesn't have a boyfriend. -The bell rang signaling the end of the class he had missed- the hero also doesn't have to deal with these kind of time constraints.

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