The Fight at the incredible Gym

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"A friendly spar right now, best two out three: first to get knocked on their butt." Jack smiled, "I win: you stop bullying; you win: I give you Violets number and say I was lying about you being a bully, I'll call it a prank or whatever works." Jack held his hand out his hand lazily to shake in agreement.

The fire behind Mor'du's eyes turned in to a spark of hope. "You'd do that for me?" His shoulders slumped out of their aggressive stance.

"I don't know, would you defy Hans? Would you turn your life on its head for the chance at a girl?" Jack locked eyes with Mor'du while he considered the implications of losing.

When Mor'du smiled mischievously and went to shake Jacks hand, Jack pulled his hand away, "Violet already knows most of the terms of our arrangement, if you break your end of the deal in any way, she will be the first to know." Jack tapped his temple with his finger indicating that he had memorized her number and could call her from anywhere. "She'll never look at you the same way again if you do. Do you want to risk that?"

That was like a cold bucket of water on Mor'du's excitement, his face sobered as he realized that if he lost he would have to keep his word. Mor'du looked at his hand and weighed the odds, he looked conflicted and Jack wondered if he would still go for it.

"I've tried everything else," Mor'du held out his hand for Jack to shake. When Jack smiled and shook it Mor'du held it in an iron grip and squeezed, "I won't lose."

We'll see... Jack smirked as Mor'du pulled his phone from his pocket and one of the ear buds from his ear. He wrapped the earbuds around his phone and set them on the outside corner of the boxing ring while he waved over another muscle bound member of the gym to referee for them.

Violet is going to kill you if you lose, you know. Cole reminded Jack the possible consequences of his actions.

I'm not going to lose. Jack reassured Cole as he walked around the ring to grab some gloves while Mor'du was explaining the rules for the spare to the newcomer. I've got an ace in the hole.

When they stepped in the ring together the newcomer came over to Jacks side to talk to him, "are you sure you want to do this, Mory is a beast, and he has never lost a match."

"Well we are going to put a blemish on his record today." Jack winked.

"Fine," the newcomer held his hands up in surrender, "as long as you know what you are getting into."

Jack stretched as he looked across the ring and saw Mor'du strapping on his gloves. He had flashbacks to sparring with North who was twice the size of Mor'du and one hundred times more experienced. North and Bunny had knocked him on his butt more times than he cared to mention, but they had taught him to fight, fair and otherwise. North's specialty was boxing since it was some kind of custom where he was from, so that is what they spent a good deal of their time doing. North enjoyed having a boxing partner and sparred with Jack as often as he could and as long as Jack's body could handle it.

North had taught him how to throw a punch, but more importantly how to roll the punches off his body and how to avoid being hit all together. All of this added together ended up making Jack a fair competitor, so much so that he found himself knocking North on his butt more than once, which only made the Russian want to spar more.

Jack finished stretching and rolled his shoulders to help him relax his muscles.

Jack and Mor'du locked eyes and when the referee told them to "Fight" they launched from their corners and clashed in the middle of the ring. When Mor'du threw a punch that would have landed Jack in the hospital, Jack duck and nailed Mor'du in the gut using his speed to land another punch as he spun around him. Mor'du turned around he looked surprised that he had missed. Jack took advantage of his shock and socked him twice in the face before Mor'du was about to bring his fists up and counter attack. Mor'du was slower than Bunny in almost every respect, and he couldn't take a hit as well as North, Jack grew more confident in his ability to defeat Mor'du.

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