Captain Keyes

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The ball of light soared through the air screaming like a banshee. It blinded Jack and Pan as it sailed toward its target. Not the Terror, but an airship.

An airship closing in on the Terror erupted in a brilliant show of light and explosions. The Terror wailed and its other tendrils tore through the mist and swatted at the light.

Jack eyed his handiwork, both the enemy airship and his cannon were destroyed beyond repair. Then to his horror, more tendrils whipped through the mist hysterically. One struck the forward cannon jerking the whole ship. Merida!

Jack jumped out of his seat. The other cannon creaked against the wood moments away from letting gravity drag it to the surface. He wasn't going to make it. He fastened a long safety line to himself and dove for the cannon the moment the ship released its grip on it.

He didn't even think to check to see if his new safety line was attached to anything, he just jumped. There was a long list of people he saw in every verse, Merida quickly became his best friend in most of them like clockwork, Elsa was his heart's desire and passion in all of them.

But he couldn't lose Merida, not again.

Two flashes of enemy cannons almost sent him into a fit, but the adrenaline was too strong.

He clutched onto Merida's limp form in the seat of the cannon. He flash froze her seat restraints and broke them in an instant. The cannon fell away as Jack held on to the unconscious spitfire.

He held her in a vice grip as the safety line almost jerked her out of his grasp. He looked up to see Pan already towing them back to the ship.

** ** **

"That was Brilliant, Keyes!" Pan exclaimed.

Jack didn't want to leave Merida's side in the sick bay but there was still a Terror outside and enough dreadnaughts to invade three platforms.

Jack turned on his heel and when about deck.

"Keyes! Cap'n wants to see ya." The quartermaster called.

"Captain." Jack reported to Blackbeard.

"Damaged report on the forward cannons!" Blackbeard's eyes were wild, not with anger or madness, but with the lust for battle and prestige.

"One is out of commission and one is lost to the mist." Jack barked against the noise of the wind and battle.


"Sick bay."

"That light?"

"My idea, sir. I take full responsibility for the damages, I used Pan to overcharge the cannons battery."

"You may have just saved us from the monster, whatever it was. Report to the Quartermaster, and get ready board."


"You have your orders, Keyes." The airship was shook as it skimmed the electrically charged mist. Blackbeard was at the helm and pulled a lever by the wheel. "We're going back up!" Blackbeard called to the crew.

Jack looked in the distance to see what caught the wild eye of the captain. It was a high profile merchant ship on the run from the fight with only one corsair to guard it.

The ship tilted up as it climbed skyward.

He was going to try and plunder, at a time like this! Jack looked behind him as the Terror engaged more and more airships. He definitely liked his odds against the merchant ship over the Terror though.

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