Book 2

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A Pirates life for me?

Babette would forever be the harbinger of change, a haunting reminder of his curse existence. He finally started putting together the pieces for himself at least four Verses in, that's what Jack called them, every world or universe he went to. He considered calling them something else but Verse had a poetic ring to it.

He'd had worlds of experience, everything from scientist to hacker to comic book fanatic. The term muiltiverse fit his existence and every verse or universe as it were, was a new experience filled with similar elements. Like a song or poem. Every verse in a poem helped build the structure of the whole by reinforcing common themes.

Waking up to Babette was the first cord, Elsa was the main theme, and Merida was the chorus. Rapunzel, Pitch Black, Eugene, and a few other faces always made an appearance at one point or another to maintain the flow of the song.

He's spent a Verse as a Viking and found a familiar home amongst the cold sturdy warriors. That's where he learned the importance of the warrior's songs in the mead halls. Every Verse told a story about the same hero or group of heroes, and even though the scenery and the battles changed from verse to verse the story was always about those heroes. Those who lived and those who died. Vikings had a thing about dying in the heat of battle.

It had been nearly a thousand years since he'd been that poetic, a thousand years on his soul since he'd thrown a mirror into the sun and died. He'd decided that if the last Verse didn't get him back home, he'd give up. He was a pirate now what better way to retire and run than on the high seas, or in this Verse's case, in the clouds.

The buildings were close together in this port city. Cobblestone and dirt lined the roads only wide enough in some places for a single horse drawn carriage. Stone and brick building stood two stories high on either side of the street. Some houses, and some apartments or businesses, a wooden sign or porch full of potted plants usually defined the two.

Jack rounded a corner to see a flutter of red hair tied in a messy ponytail flopping this way and that dramatically as she swung her long sword around with unmatched mastery. There were four flintlock pistols strapped to her left hip, a long rang ornate plasma rifle folded and strapped to the back of her green corset with the empty scabbard of her sword. A silver and copper crossbow in a custom holster hung just off her right hip with a full array of bolts around her right thigh, enough to hold off a small army. And it had or at least she had, on more than one occasion.

Merida blocked a sword with her left arm. A copper and leather armored gauntlet covered her left arm defensively, stretching all the way up to her shoulder with a mess of cogs and metal work. The contraption hooked up to her corset and covered her heart with a protective plate. She grabbed the sword with her gauntlet and the cogs on began to spin, a puff of steam came out of the shoulder exhaust when she smashed her fist into the enemies face with augmented strength.

She looked up to see her friends show up, "Oy, it's about time you sorry lot showed yer faces, the battle is over and you're herd to what, steal me spoils?"

"Bonnie, what happened here?" Jack asked looking at the five finely dressed nobles in military garb.

"This poor lot tried to corner me and kidnap me, I showed them some Scottish justice." Bonnie kicked the nearest noble and he groaned.

"We may have over stayed our welcome the same thing happened to me." Hawkins observed.

"Aye, me too." Jack said looking over the men on the ground, there was nothing to do for them now but Jack had learned a long time ago that you couldn't save everyone.

"Gentlemen this isn't over yet, look!" Hook pointed at the sky two navy war ships hung over them now. Maybe twenty stories from the ground two large holes opened in the base of the ship and two figures jumped from them landing only a few buildings away from them on the once crowded city street. One of the giants crashed into a restaurant's outside eating area crushing the iron wrought fence and a few tables and chairs that the patrons had long abandoned since the fight broke out between Merida and the Nobles. The second crashed through a red and white stripped awning over a flower shop.

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