Drifter Part 1

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Jack Remembered the first time he had encountered a Terror. It was before he had retired from hunting Fearlings. For a while, hunting Fearlings had been as much his purpose as charming Elsa. Looking back, everything looked grey to Jack a subtle hue of movements without color or meaning. There were a few people that stuck out in the dismal cloud of memories. In some verses, they stuck out more than others anyway.

Back when Jack was a Viking he learned a good many things. But one person he'd always remember was Stoic. Stoic the Vast, Cheftain of a horde of Vikings the like Jack had never seen and hasn't seen since.

In a land of mountains and seas, a village towered over the endless waves like a pillar of stubborn determination against the frigid weather. It was rugged with many of the happier sort aside from one glaring detail. Dragons.

Jack woke up sailing into port, ok enough bragging. He stumbled awake drifting into what could have been a port. His host had been shipwrecked and lost all of his memories so it was just Jack in the body of a fur cover hard leather armor. It was cold and familiar. The frosty waters splashed him with an even spray.


Jack stirred from his groggy sleep to see nothing but wood under his face and the splashing waves before in.

"Are you alive!" it was a girls voice.

Jack touched the waves and cupped some of it in his palm before returning it to where it came from. "Water?" Jack asked. The concussion and amnesia was messing with Jack's own memory until the water turned to frost. Jack Frost that was his name but where was he?

Something thudded next to him. He looked to his left, yes that's what it was left, and found a... rope? Jack picked it up and looked to where it led. A woman, a very beautiful woman with short brown hair and slight accent Jack was familiar with in a past life. French.

"Hold on to the rope, I'll pull you in!" The woman called.

Jack only found the strength to wrap the rope around his forearm and found it strained as the woman pulled him to shore. She pulled him off the poor excuse for a raft with incredible Viking strength. The sun was setting and he could see her breath in the fading light when she laid him out on the dock.

She patted him down checking for damage. "You're going to be ok, it's going to be okay. Odin's beard you're as cold as ice." She turned to something a large scaled beast. "Dust trap, I need some light." The maw of the scaled beast lit up with warm fire. "You're going to be fine I promise. I'm going to take care of you." She wrapped Jack in her cloak and carried him in the fire light. "We must hurry it's not safe to be outside after dark even with the dragons.

Jack saw the Dragon breathing fire in its mouth and blacked out in the warm embrace of the woman.

Jack awoke next wrapped in fire laying next to a large fire in the center of the wooden home. The smell of warm stew filled the house and tickled Jack's nose. Between the lack of strength and the heavy pile of furs Jack found it impossible to move anything but his head.

Jacks groan stirred something else in the room, a large blue scaled beast with spines down its tail and two great wings came into view and looked down at him. It sniffed him and Jack felt powerless until it nuzzled against him.

"I see you're finally awake." The woman from the dock came into view and scooped some stew into a bowl. "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine, Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Babette. I found you adrift near the docks, who are you stranger?"

"I don't know."

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