Could life get worse?

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Jack had a good page and a half of poetry written about Elsa, but feeling paranoid about screwing things up he decided to leave out her name, or too many defining features about her. He mostly wrote about how he felt about her, and how much better he was because of her.

Merida kept trying to look at Cole's paper, never before had he looked so intent on an assignment before. She was wondering if he even wanted to be in this class because he hadn't done a single thing for an assignment except for this one.

Truth be told, Cole signed up for this class for the simple reasoning that it was probably an easy A, and that none of Hans's crew would bother taking . He had been right; It was to be one of the escapes that he had when he couldn't be with Zie.

With five minutes left of the class period, Cole put his pencil down and looked at his paper. Written in beautiful cursive handwriting, it served as a semi barrier for those looking over his shoulder. Merida wasn't immune to the sheer aesthetical appeal of a Man's handwriting that was both neat and intricately masculine.

"Can I see?" Merida asked scooting closer to Cole.

Jack blushed, he hadn't meant it to be read by anyone other than himself and the teacher. He had written it in the flourish-ridden cursive style he had learned as a French aristocrat to belay prying eyes. "Um," Jack flashed the paper to her, "it is in cursive so you probably can't read it."

Merida flashed him a grin showing him her paper that happened to be written in girly cursive. "I wrote mine in cursive, I should be able to read it just fine if I could see it for a sec."

Jack hadn't expected that, of course, he really didn't know what to expect in high school, and he wasn't about to let all of his personal feelings out into the world. He hadn't even told Elsa herself the true extent of how he felt, he had no idea how a girl would react if he revealed his feelings as they were written down.

"It is kind of personal," Jack said trying to put the paper away.

"Ooo, is it about someone?"

"Yes, and I don't think that she would understand if she read it, at least not until I get to know her better."

"Is it about that girl Zie, that I always see you with?"

"Zie?" Jack looked confused, who was Zie again? He hadn't been here long enough to remember everyone yet. He couldn't even tell you his parents names, and he lived with them.

Merida looked surprised to see such a look of confusion on Cole's face, did he not remember his best friends name? "You know, the Goth girl that is always changing her hair color?"

Jack could have slapped himself for being so stupid, Zie was the girl who had scared him out of his car this morning. "Oh, ya. No, it isn't about her we are just friends."

Merida reached for the paper playfully, "I don't believe you, who is she?"

Jack blushed, "no, stop it." he swiped her hand away.

"Oh come on, at least give me a hint." Merida pouted with eyes that would have given a kitten a run for their money.

Were all girls here so nosy? At the same time, he felt his heart jump a little to have such a pretty girl so close to him, talking to him, looking right into his eyes with those big blue globes. "Fine."

Merida smiled gleefully and waited. She didn't talk to Cole much, but she was really curious as to who he could be crushing on so hard that he didn't even recall a Gothic dream like his best friend Zie.

Jack stuffed the paper in his backpack, he was in such a rush to throw it in that it crumpled at the top of all his stuff. "The last letter in her first name is an 'A'." The bell rang signifying the end of class, and Jack threw his bag over his shoulder and flew out of the room with a swift grace Merida had never seen before. His face was burning and his was finally glad for his hair, and that it would hide his face in this instant.

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