Jack, Jack, or Jack?

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There was nothing. All around him there was no ground or ceiling or walls, he was floating in nowhere. A bright warm light appeared and he opened his eyes to see the sun. It was so bright and beautiful; its pure size also overwhelmed him. Despite all of that, he was cold, he was unbelievable cold, ice started to form over his fingers and his clothes. He turned and wanted to yell for help, but when he opened his mouth there was no air. He started to panic, soon he watched as his hands began to turn to ice and he wasn't able to move.

Jack woke up bursting from his sheets gasping for air and flailing his arms. Strong arms grabbed him and pressed him against the bed.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The person said trying to get his attention.

Jack opened his eyes in the midst of his panic the person in front of him had shaggy hair like the fallen snow and pale skin. His eyes were kind and old, and he had a smile that told that there was more behind it than just a laugh. He was wearing a blue hoodie with its edges frosted ever so gently. When Jack opened his eyes, it was like talking to a mirror or his twin.

"Calm down Jack Frost or they will think you're crazy, and you don't want that." The Jack standing above the bed said. He left as if he was in a hurry he pressed against the air, and as crazy as it sounds, it responded and a rectangular door opened inward at his touch, in the middle of the air! Jack was unable to see much beyond the door as the other Jack slipped through it and closed the door as the door to his room opened.

"Jack, are you okay? We heard screaming," an older man and a maid rushed into his room through the door.

It took a second for Jack to get his bearings, he was awake. Then how did he see himself, where did he go? Where was he? His head hurt at the confusion and looked around his room before looking back at the people who were rushing toward his bed.

"Where am I?" Was all Jack was able to say.

"You are in your room son, Princess Elsa said that she found you passed out on the balcony so we rushed home." The gentleman said, while the maid was feeling his head and fluffing his pillow.

Son? Home? Wait! This was his father, he had a Father! Jack wrapped his arms around his father.

"Yes, I am glad to see you too Jack, you gave us all a mighty scare," Jack's father embraced Jack in a tight and loving embrace. He then pulled Jack away with his hands on Jack's shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Do you remember anything at all? Were you attacked, or do you think you might have been poisoned, if so I will find the person and-"

"Dad," Jack found himself too excited as he remembered everything about that night. "There was just a little excitement is all. I think I slipped and fell. It was not anyone's fault and I didn't even eat anything so I couldn't have been poisoned."

"Good, I'm glad that you are alright son, Elsa only told us that you fell over and didn't stand back up." Jack's father hugged Jack again. "I love you son, I don't know what I would do if I lost you too."

Jack felt a sudden pang of sadness when the memories came back to him as he remembered his mother's illness and passing. At least he had a father who loved him and he could be seen.

"Babette, please call and let the Palace know that Jack is okay. I know that Prince Hiccup and Princess Elsa where especially concerned about his condition." Jack's dad told the maid, and she left to fulfil her assigned task. "Jack are you feeling alright, is there anything I can have the cooks make you or anything I can get for you?"

"No, I am fine. I just need a moment to rest." Jack smiled at his dad even though a million things were rushing back and forth in his mind.

"Ok, if you need anything I will be down the hall in my office, and if you feel up to it I'd like you to get showered and be ready for the Kings Tinsel ball tonight, I think everyone would be grateful to see you on your feet after last night." Jack's father kissed Jack on the head. "But in light of things if you don't want to go you don't have to. I love you son."

"Thanks dad, I love you too."

Jacks father walked out of the bedroom with an obvious aura of relief over his son's wellbeing.

Jack listened to the footsteps as they walked away from the bedroom and once they were far enough away Jack checked the empty space of air where the other him disappeared. He found nothing, with even more memories and thoughts racing through his head he examined the room, the curtains, the mirrors, the pictures. He picked up one, it was a picture of his family: his father, his mother, and Jack as a child. His head began to hurt as the memories of her passing once again flowed through his brain. Something was wrong he didn't know who he was. Memories of his life here and memories of his dream self all came crashing together fighting for dominance. He set the picture down on the wardrobe where he found it and clutched his head.

Memories of a fight with a strange foe, memories of a girl, of a man in a red suit, of fluffy yeti's, of magical powers he couldn't explain. Then memories of flying, glorious flight, Jack looked out the window as he remembered flying, not like it was a memory from a dream but something that happened just yesterday. He remembered floating on the wind like a snowflake blowing through cities, crossing hundreds of thousands of miles in moments. The window burst open and the drapes fluttered as a gust of wind blustered into his room as if to say: I remember you old friend. Jack walked over to the window and felt the breeze against his skin, as far as he could see there was no leaves moving or trees swaying in the wind, but against his face and though his hair it swirled around him like an embrace. His feet never left the ground as he enjoyed.

He realized all too soon that he couldn't fly, he was as grounded as he ever was, and the breeze stopped. Jack closed the window and walked over to his bathroom, it was wondrously big and he had never marveled so much at so many things before as he had this morning but he went through the motions of getting showered. He walked with only a towel on and with his hand wiped away enough of the fog away from the mirror to see himself. He still looked like himself, but his felt different. Never before had the memories of a dream stayed with him so vividly and with so much detail.

As memories once again fluctuated, he remembered the cold with delight. He had to catch himself from falling over as another surge of pressure in his head threw him off balance. He pressed one had to his head and one hand to the glass of the mirror as the delightful memories of bare feet in the snow, of making snow angels and just being in the cold wafted through his head.

Then he heard the sound of a light crackling against his mirror he looked up to see frost gathering around his fingers that were pressed against the glass.

Jack pulled his hand away from the mirror and watched the ice melt and dribble down the glass. 'What is going one?' He thought to himself. He pressed his hand against the glass again but nothing happened then he closed his eyes and thought of something cold: the breeze outside, the snow, ice. He opened his eyes to see frost once again gathered around his hand.

What is going on, who was that other Jack, what is happening to him?


1200 reads! Thanks so much you guys for all the support please keep reading and sharing with you friends.

Please leave some feedback on who else you would like to see. I have the main events ironed out but if you guys have some other characters you'd like to see throughout the story let me know. I'll include as many as I can without breaking anything :) as you can see I already have Hiccup and Astrid from How to train your dragon and Babette (the maid/feather duster) from Beauty and the Beast. So keep it within disney and pixar characters. Leave a comment or message me at any time.

I will have more places for feedback later as the story progress, so keep reading and enjoying and you may even have a role to play with the storyline.

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