Chapter 9

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 9..

"Okay," came Nera's voice as she walked back in the room. "I'm gunna call them over to see if they like it. It's way better than that cramped little apartment they're living in now." Nera noted.

Pennywise and Ezra were now seated in the living room. It had a bright, airy but cozy atmosphere. The room had light birch wood flooring, the walls a light blue with an ivory couch that had light blue and lime green throw pillows.

The couple that lived there had definitely been book nerds like Sadie because there was a beautiful desk built into an enormous bookshelf, all made of birch wood and filled with all kinds of books. There was a nice sized flat panel tv on the wall and a lime green arm chair next to a light blue plaid one.

Ezra stood behind the armchair where Pennywise sat, seeming more content to stand vigilant and be on the look out when he was around his mates. It hadn't occurred to him until this very moment that he was becoming more protective by the minute while Pennywise was usually too proud to behave that way.

Perhaps it was that Ezra had it all before and had to bear the loss of it all being taken away without warning. That would seem a fair reason for him to fiercely protect what he had now. He couldn't bear to lose it all again.

Pennywise didn't need to look out, he would sense anything around him anyways. His sense for energies could nearly rival Lucifer's. Nera stood next to Ezra, his arm around her as he kissed her on the forehead.

'Santiago, come to me and bring Sadie.'

A few moments later, the couple appeared and looked around. "Oh cute! Where are we?" asked Sadie.

Santiago saw Nera and gently released Sadie after giving her a kiss on the cheek, then made his way to her.

"Your new home! If you want it. It's right next door to us!" Nera announced happily. As Santiago neared, Ezra released her, knowing his inferior was biting at the bit to embrace her.

Ezra knew it couldn't be easy on Santiago. The Demon had to sit back and watch Nera bond to someone else while he was completely in love with her. Despite that, Santiago hadn't once complained or tried anything stupid. As soon as Ezra made it known to his followers he'd set his sights on on an Angel named Nera, Santiago had accepted it without question.

Ezra trusted Anzu more than anyone. The Demon had served beneath him since the very beginning. They had fought beside one another many times. They'd even shared a bed on occasion. Santiago would never betray him. He knew it.

"What? Your kidding!" squealed Sadie just as Santiago pulled Nera into his arms.

"I already cleared it out for you, it's all yours. Go check it out!" Nera suggested, then turned her attention to Santiago who's eyes were already laden with hunger and desire.

"Hey baby," he murmured quietly as Sadie stepped into the kitchen to check out her new home.

"You better go with Sadie and check out your new home," Nera warned despite not wanting to let him go.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now