Chapter 5

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created (Nera Carmichael, Ezra Shade, Santiago Estrada, Sadie Wilde, Duke Wersinger, Elle Silver).

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story. This story is just for fun, but also practice for an original story I want to write so please feel free to give me any and all feedback. I haven't really written anything in about 15 years so I'm out of practice.

Also, included at the top of the page will be the music I listen to while writing which will usually be something appropriate to listen to while reading it, just in case you want to try it out. :)

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 5..

Santiago had plans to meet up with Sadie in just a little while, but first he had to close the last chapter of his life.

He'd never realized when he first met Nera how much she would come to mean to him but she had. She was his Goddess. He loved and worshipped her. Part of him wasn't even sure why these feelings were so fierce, but he didn't question it. He didn't care why.

He knew that he'd probably never feel exactly the same for Sadie, even with the bond but he also knew he'd keep her pleased and well taken care of. She would want for nothing. What else could an immortal ask for? He meanwhile would be close to the one he truly loved for the rest of eternity since she was best friends with his soon to be mate.

He really wasn't that broken up about having to break the bond with his wife. It was unfortunate that she would have to die though. He'd much rather just let her go, but she would inevitably come after Sadie and try to kill her, so it just made more sense to get it out of the way now.

It was just as well. He and his wife hadn't been happy for many decades. She was a sweet woman when they'd first met. She'd also been a beautiful, healthy, passionate woman. Immortality just didn't sit well with her. She quickly became spoiled and materialistic, constantly shopping and spending all their money. She would wear lavish, absurd outfits while getting drunk off wine and watching TV all day. It was all very bizarre because Santiago had never lived that sort of lifestyle so he wasn't sure where she got it from. Despite being a Demon, he'd never desired lavishness, chaos, or violence. He just wanted to live a normal life, much like his Lord.

Of course this could have something to do with the fact that despite being a Demon, he wasn't born human and turned into a Demon in Death. No, he was originally an elemental storm-bird born when the pure waters of the Absu first ran through the Earth, long before man came along.

For years he soared above the skies and healed wild creatures with his power. He was a bit chaotic though, creating storms and stealing relics from the Gods whom he felt thought they were better than he. It was actually a God that had killed him and in Death he'd been denied a place in the Heavens, instead being sent to Hell.

It was Asmodeus that found him there, pulling him from the pits where he suffered unimaginable torture and transforming him into a Demon. After all he'd been through, he'd calmed down considerably and pledged his loyalty to Asmodeus, following him ever since.

Only once, while Asmodeus had been sent away to the Mortal realm did Anzu lose his patience. With his Lord gone for decades he grew anxious and bored, escaping to the Mortal realm and stealing a tablet that the Angels would come searching for. He chuckled at the memory though. It had ended up being one of the best moments of his life, and not because of the power bestowed to him by the tablet. No... it had been something much sweeter.

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