Chapter 6

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created (Nera Carmichael, Ezra Shade, Santiago Estrada, Sadie Wilde, Duke Wersinger, Elle Silver).

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story. This story is just for fun, but also practice for an original story I want to write so please feel free to give me any and all feedback. I haven't really written anything in about 15 years so I'm out of practice.

Also, included at the top of the page will be the music I listen to while writing which will usually be something appropriate to listen to while reading it, just in case you want to try it out. :)

..Chapter 6..

Tucked within the safety of his realm, God watched Nera and her lovers cozy up together and fall asleep. It may seem to some that Nera had turned into a promiscuous creature since she went to Earth, but in all reality God had created her to be exactly as she was.

Nera was created to inspire love and in doing so, amass powerful or strategically beneficial followers. What he didn't count on was her initially being so frightened and timid, but luckily she'd worked through most of that.

When he recycled her energy, he had harnessed a bit of concentrated energy from both Pennywise and Asmodeus and had planted a seed deep within her cosmetic make-up. It was the equivalent of altering a human's DNA. This was why they were her destined mates and she was designed to be able to bond with more than one mate, thereby unlocking what she was meant to be, and fulfilling the rest of her destiny.

Also, while he hadn't planned it this way, it would seem that her previous angelic-life also played into why she'd been so successful so far as well, and she had no idea because she couldn't remember it and those who knew her, knew her by another name and face.

Truthfully, it had been a gamble bringing this all together with the cosmic being, but it was one God had to take. The cosmic being was nearly infinitely powerful, but had no idea. His natural ambitions to hunt and kill would never allow him to discover his full potential. Only when inspired by something truly extraordinary would he be able to harness his full power, which worked out perfectly since wielding his power to help Nera is exactly what God needed him to do.

Luckily, Pennywise did have a limit when utilizing his full strength. It could only be used in short bursts and would substantially drain him afterward, so it's not like he could have ever used it to wreak severe havoc across the globe anyways. Not to mention, he was a territorial creature. He liked staying in one place.

In regard to the Asmodeus, God had targeted him long before the Demon Lord ever met the human known as Heidi. God had seen first hand during the Demonic raids upon Earth during the 1500 to 1700s how Asmodeus showed mercy to humans when other Demons weren't around to witness it.

There was something in Asmodeus that was different, and as powerful as he was, God knew having him on their side would be a smart move. He was, after all, Lucifer's most powerful creation. He literally had some of Lucifer's angelic energy engrained into his being. Lucifer couldn't create another Lord like Asmodeus even if he wanted to. The rest of them paled in comparison to his power.

God hadn't expected Asmodeus to fall in love with a human, so plans were made with an Angel he trusted to eliminate Heidi, which ended up being assisted by the fact that she wasn't at all whom she pretended to be.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя