Chapter 8

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created (Nera, Lucian, Duke Wersinger, Sadie Wilde, Ezra Shade).

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story. This story is just for fun, but also practice for an original story I want to write so please feel free to give me any and all feedback. I haven't really written anything in about 15 years so I'm out of practice.

Also, included at the top of the page will be the music I listen to while writing which will usually be something appropriate to listen to while reading it, just in case you want to try it out. :)

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 8..

Nera and Ezra leisurely walked back toward Neibolt street hand in hand, their fingers interlaced as they spoke of ideas to help the city grow as well as possible new events they could bring to the town to shake things up. He told her how he was also friends with the Mayor and pretty much anything they wanted to do, he could get a budget for if need be.

When they finally reached Neibolt, Nera led Ezra to the house just to the right of her own. It was a cute little two-story baby blue house with white trim and lots of windows so the inside of the house would be bright and warm, just how Sadie would like it. It had lovely landscaping, well trimmed pink and yellow shrubs, and a two-car garage.

"This is it, Ezra. It's perfect for them!" Nera decided enthusiastically. Ezra happened to glance over at her house and all of a sudden he realized her car was missing. In fact, now that he thought of it, it had been missing for a long time.

"Darling, whatever happened to that red car you had? The little infiniti sedan?" he inquired curiously. She looked over at her empty driveway for a moment, then suddenly remembered.

"Oh, right! I remember. I gave it away." She answered casually, then looked back at the house in front of her, curious who might live there and how many people she was about to send packing.

"Wait, baby... you gave your car away?" he asked incredulously. He chuckled then, knowing things like that don't hold much value to an Angel especially when she's never really had to work for anything in her life. Not that it was her fault at all, but still. It was actually really generous and sweet of her to give it away. "Who did you give it to?"

"Just this sweet old woman named Annabelle that came to visit me sometimes before I died. She would always bring me the most delicious pies but she drove this awful rusted out old junker car. She was all alone. She deserved something better." She remembered, the memories all flooding back.

"Annabelle... Nalick?" he asked with recognition.

"Well I never knew her last name, to be honest." She confessed.

"I believe it was." He surmised. "I saw her with the same car not long after you... passed away." he stated hesitantly. He still really didn't like talking about it. "I just assumed it was coincidence. I'm sorry to tell you that she passed away while you were gone, sweetheart." He informed her. Although, odds were she wasn't dead for good, he thought with a chuckle.

"Awe, that's sad. Well I hope she had a good life even though her family didn't seem to spend much time with her." Nera stated.

"Her lawyer is a friend of mine, Dan McKenzie. I remember him mentioning they weren't sure who her beneficiary was and they only had a first name to go by. I was distracted with something at the time and wasn't paying full attention so I don't recall if he told me the name, but I don't believe they ever found the person. I know it wasn't family, much to her daughter's dismay." he paused then pulled out his iphone, dialing a number then holding it to his ear.

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