Chapter 27

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created. 

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 27..

It took Carlos a few days to find Lucifer alone in order to approach him about allowing Carlos to go back to the mortal realm. He didn't want any interference when he discussed it with him.

It didn't take Carlos long to convince Lucifer to let him go once he told him the Hunter was searching for a spell that would block any future attempt to open the Gates of Hell.

"Of course, you may go. It was very generous of Sadie to offer this information considering her loyalties did once lie with the Humans." He pointed out, taking a seat upon the couch next to Carlos.

"She is a young immortal. She simply needed a firm hand to train her correctly, my King. Her loyalty lies with us now." Carlos explained.

"Oh yes, I'm sure you beat her straight into submission. You are quite adept at that. We have quite a few very obedient servants who have benefited from your firm hand." Lucifer mused, his eyes raking hungrily over Carlos as they spoke.

Carlos shifted uncomfortably, knowing it was time to get the Hell out of there, so to speak. He quickly rose from his seat. "I'll see to it then my King."

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk... I haven't released you just yet Carlos." Lucifer cruelly warned him.

Carlos stiffened when he noticed Lucifer was sporting a large erection. Why? He has Nera and he can fuck anyone in Hell he wants, why does this bastard do this to me?

"You know what what I want, don't you Carlos?" He asked him, running his hand over his erection.

"Yes, my King." Carlos muttered and reluctantly lowered himself slowly, unfastening Lucifer's trousers and pulling his length out.

There was a time he had respected and looked up to Lucifer. It was before he raped his mate, obviously. Before he became... whatever he was. He was so different in the beginning. How had it come to this?

He worked his head up and down the length of Lucifer and felt his King run his hands through his hair, latching on to the back of his head and forcing him to deep throat his cock.

"That's it, you know exactly how I like it." groaned Lucifer as he laid back and enjoyed it.

Carlos closed his eyes and imagined making love to Sadie and Nera, blocking out the disgusting act he was being forced to do. I can't wait to watch you die you fucking bastard.


Sadie waited patiently for Carlos to arrive. When he finally did, he looked angry, wiping at his mouth with disgust.

"What did he say?" She asked.

Carlos shot her a warning look and went straight to the restroom to brush his teeth and gargle an antiseptic. Sadie stood quietly behind him as she waited to see what had happened.

Carlos had a hand resting on either side of the sink and took a few deep breaths. She watched as he heaved a bit, like he might throw up, then he stopped and looked at her in the mirror.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now