Chapter 2

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 2..

The bitter sweet scent of sweet strawberries and ripe watermelon stung Nera's nose as she poured a glass of wine over a frozen berry medley for herself and Ezra. As odd as it might sound, just simply being in each others presence was kind of a big deal.

"I know it's nothing fancy Mr. Shade, but would you like a glass of strawberry wine, sir?" Nera asked as she offered the wine to her beloved.

In her heart and mind, she had never been happier than in this very moment. She'd suffered some terrible moments and so much pain in the past year. Now, she was finally able to just melt into the moment and enjoy happiness.

It was strange. It was like every step she took now, she was walking on air. The room around her just felt brighter and warmer. It was just so different. 

It was hard to imagine just a week or so ago she'd been restrained and raped by her ex-boyfriend, but sometimes that's life. It was hard to focus on the bad when something so incredibly good was happening now.

Ezra leaned, his hip pressing into the smooth counter as he watched her in love-stricken awe, happily accepting the glass. It might seem to some men such was a small thing, but to this Demon who had lost it all many years prior, this moment was insurmountably precious.

He'd dreamt and fantasized about Nera so long and now here she was, pouring him a glass of wine in their home.

No longer would they meet each other in inconvenient passing, kept apart by jealous humans or unfortunate circumstances. No, now she was his and they were free to just love one another.

One day soon, I'm going to make her Mrs. Shade. He'd loved before, but he'd never considered marriage. It had seemed like a silly human ritual to him back then. With Nera though, he would. With Nera, he wanted every single beautiful and sweet thing, no matter how insignificant or unnecessary. It had to be special though, it had to be just right. It would be a moment she would never forget, he would make sure of that.

"Dear, anything you serve me is perfect." he told her in that velvety dulcet tone that she loved so much, as he sipped softly on the fruity concoction.

She could hear the happiness and warmth in his voice as she sipped on her own glass, noticing how his eyes never left hers, nor did that incredible smile ever falter.

"What are you smiling at?" she inquired with a grin, her eyes glittering joyfully at him.

He shook his head playfully, "Only the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. That's all."

The sweet comment made her cheeks turn pink as he continued, "Shall we toast?" he suggested, reaching up and sweeping a lock of her long black hair from her eyes. She eagerly nodded.

"To timing," he began, "We may not always understand fate's design, but standing here with you now and knowing we have eternity to look forward to together, I realize it doesn't matter why we had to wait. We're here now and that is all that matters."

"I'll second that!" Nera agreed wholeheartedly.

She took a deep breath, leaning against the counter, "What a roller coaster ride this year has been," she marveled, thinking back on everything it took to get where they were today.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now