Chapter 33

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:  

"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 33..

As soon as the small group exited the portal, they quickly teleported Nera to Raven's, believing the witch's power combined with Santiago's would be most effective.

Raven was down in the basement area, waiting for their return. She already had a few beds prepared, having foreseen they would come of use. They laid Ezra and Nera down as carefully as possible. Raven bearly recognized Nera in this new dark form. She winced when she saw the bare bone folded over Nera's abdomen.

Shaking her head sadly, she looked away and next noticed the baby and smiled at the Demoness who held him as she quickly opened a fridge that kept her cold items safe. She handed a few bags of blood to the Demoness.

"What's your name, lovely?" Raven asked her.

"Neeka." the Demoness answered.

"I'm Raven, it's nice to meet you. Do you think you could take Constantine upstairs to the living room? It will be a bit crowded down here for awhile."

"Sure." Neeka replied with a smile. She was a bit shocked the powerful witch was so friendly. She'd never left Hell before but she'd always heard Demons were viewed as the enemy in the Mortal realm. Not that she could blame anyone, many Demons were bad, especially under Lucifer's rule.

"Great! Just make yourself at home. We'll stay with these two." Raven told her gently. The Demoness nodded and quickly took her leave.

By this time, Santiago had already sent a healing ball into Nera's body to assist with regenerating her arms. Raven added to it by brushing a pea-green colored paste onto the exposed bone. Surprisingly this seemed to speed up the healing when combined with Santiago's efforts.

Belial and Santiago stayed by Nera's side, along with Raven, doing all they could to assist her healing. Raven laid her hands gently on Nera's shoulders and sensed her energy in excruciating turmoil over the broken bond with Lucifer. It was actually impeding her healing.

Now that something I didn't expect, she thought silently when she realized Nera had truly cared for Lucifer, despite what horrible things he must have put her through. Perhaps not as much as one would love a mate of their own choosing, but nonetheless she had grown to care deeply for him.

"She is suffering a broken bond too, I can sense it in her." Raven told the others, leaving out the part about Nera's feelings for the Devil. She quickly ran to one of her storage cabinets and went through some jars until she found what she was looking for.

She opened the jar and two small stones tumbled out. She put one back then walked over to Nera and gently forced her mouth open, laying the stone in her mouth, then closing it.

"What is that?" Santiago asked, his brows furrowed in concern.

"Its a Dragon Stone. They're formed in the pit of a Dragon's belly. They have many uses, one of which being eliminating the suffering after a broken bond. Of course, considering Dragons are extinct, the supplies are very limited but the broken bond was slowing her healing." Raven pointed out. "Not to mention we don't want her suffering more when she wakes. I think she's suffered enough."

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