Chapter 10

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the character's I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 10..

By now, more people had taken notice of the fact that the well-known Ezra Shade was intimately close to a mysterious man none of them recognized. Ezra felt their stares, their disbelief and shock. They'd get used to it in time.

Slowly and reluctantly, Pennywise straightened. He knew if he and the Demon continued what they were doing it wouldn't stop. Still, he gazed intently into the Demon's eyes, eager to get this part of the night over with and get to the part where he claimed his second lover officially.

'You may be a Demon Lord, but after tonight you will belong to me.' Pennywise advised him silently, running his hand through the front of Ezra's hair and grabbing hold tight when he reached the back. He pulled down as he leaned over Ezra to look down on him and assert his dominance over the Demon.

Ezra hissed, his eyes closing for a brief moment, then opening, looking up into Penny's intense, piercing gaze. His eyes flashed red and black for a moment as a potent feeling of longing and desire ignited deep inside him and spread through his body like wildfire. His skin felt like lightening feathered across it and the places Pennywise touched him burned with a desperate longing for more.

Ezra had gotten so use to being the dominant in every relationship or encounter. No one had dominated him since Lucifer, and Pennywise was a very powerful, prideful, possessive creature much like Lucifer. He'd forgotten how exquisite it could be to submit to a more powerful being.

'Yes, Master.' He responded, the edge of his mouth turned up in a sensual smile.

Pennywise smiled smugly in satisfaction, relaxing his hold on the Demon's hair slightly. "Tell me, Ezra." he began, his words soft, smooth, and drawling as he sensual ran his hands through through the Demon Lord's dark hair, "Now that the bravado of alcohol has invaded your senses, bringing you to the edge of inebriation and letting down that wall between us, tell me how badly you want to be mine." He commanded, then unable to resist, he swooped down and began kissing and biting the Demon's neck again.

His Alpha's words served only to further excite Ezra to a painful point. "I desperately want it, Ancient One... but it's more than wanting. I need it. I need you like I need her." Ezra snarled, pulling the creature against him again and groaning at the feel of his cock through his pants. "Fuck, you feel incredible." He muttered as he noticed the sheer size of it and how hard and hot it felt through their pants.

Pennywise chuckled, realizing the Demon was wrapped around his little finger already. He could sense it. It had been all about Nera for both of them initially, but now they desired each other as much as they desired her.

"It'll feel even better tonight, Ezra." Pennywise told him, speaking into his ear, then took his earlobe between his teeth gently, sucking on it. He listened to the Demon Lord moan deeply in pleasure. "You want it bad, don't you?"

"Fuck, yes. If you don't stop that we won't make it long in here." Ezra muttered, referring to Penny's thumb which had ventured up between Ezra's legs and had felt out the head of his cock, drawing firm circles over it as his own erection massaged the length of Ezra's cock.

Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise x OC x OC)Where stories live. Discover now