Chapter 3

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All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 3..

Their hunger for one another once again sated, Nera and Santiago headed downstairs. There was another knock at the door as Nera's foot touched down the wood floor.

"I'll get it," she offered as Ezra stepped out of the kitchen.

He paused mid-step, the corners of his mouth curving upward mischievously as she gave her dress one last tug down, making sure she looked appropriate after the heated ravaging she'd just gotten upstairs. Ezra took a deep breath in, letting the scent of their sex fill his lungs as Santiago headed in his direction. He ran his tongue across his lip as he gave his inferior a knowing smile and together they disappeared back into the kitchen.

Upon opening the door, she found Sadie and Duke who both pulled her into a warm hug without hesitation, "Ezra told me what happened Nera. I'm so sorry. It just broke my heart," Sadie pulled back and looked at Duke, then back to her. "You're so strong, I don't know how you just pull out of something like this and throw a party a week later," she lamented sadly.

"I'll admit, you have a point, but I'm the happiest I've ever been and that is what this night is about," Nera announced with a genuine smile. She noticed a pained look on Duke's face as Sadie headed inside.

"You look beautiful baby," he complimented her, then stopped abruptly. "Uh, sorry. Nera. That's gonna to take some getting used to," he added sheepishly, almost as if fishing for consent to continue using the pet name for her.

Nera wouldn't give him one though. She simply gave him a small smile as he reached up and gently touched her cheek. This was going to to be a difficult evening for Duke and she sympathized. He had no idea what was coming.

"I understand. I'm still glad you came," she assured him, then turned and walked inside, leaving his hand hanging in the air. She hated to be that way, but he needed to know his sweet gestures weren't going to sway her anymore.

Once inside, Nera turned on some gentle jazz music and decided it would be a good time to light up some candles.

Before using her lighter though, she wanted to try something new with her powers. She'd been so distracted this past year she'd barely used them and she remembered Rencadia telling her that they could be adapted for different uses. She pointed one finger at a candle and imagined shifting the energy in her body into the form of a flame on the wick of the candle.

A few long moments later, to her amazement, the wick ignited. Shooting an uncontrolled jet of powerful energy from her hands was one thing. Such a small, gentle amount carefully filtered to form just a candle flame was, as strange as it sounds, considerably more challenging.

"Ohmigosh," she gushed, running the words all into one and made a bee-line into the kitchen with an unlit candle in hand.

As she came around the bar she saw Duke had just walked in from the other side and was giving Ezra a murderous look, eyeballing his suit up and down. Ezra was talking to Santiago quietly, not even paying attention.

Swallowing nervously, Nera decided to brush it off. Maybe he'll calm down once I show them my new trick. 

"Guys! Look what I just did!" she exclaimed, setting the candle down on the counter top with a light clinking sound.

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